Transfemoral cosmetic cover with Rheo knee



Transfemoral cosmetic cover with Rheo knee




Hello Everyone,

We have a patient who wears a Rheo knee that wants a full cosmetic cover (not discontinuous) for her leg and with a Skin on top.

Any suggestions on how to make the cover that can go over the Rheo knee, someone to speak with or any company that specializes in making them??

Has anybody used a skin over an AK full foam cover with the Rheo???

Any tips on how to open a port for Charging the knee??

We are kind of running out of options here. We called Ossur and they said they haven't seen a full cosmetic foam cover over a Rheo. They also mentioned that the function of the knee can be affected due to the cover and the knee will have to be reprogrammed.
The patient doesn't want a discontinuous cover and we don't want to provide something that is not going to work or look good.

Any suggestions, tips, comments or experiences will be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you so much!!!

Orializ M. González BAScOP, MSIE-EMOP
<Email Address Redacted>


“Transfemoral cosmetic cover with Rheo knee,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed May 16, 2024,