Technique to avoid trouser and shorts tearing
Mitchell Farrar
Technique to avoid trouser and shorts tearing
Mitchell Farrar
Hi everyone,
Some of the transfemoral clients at our facilities have problems with their
trousers and shorts tearing at the position of the posterior wall of their
socket, both at the brim and distally to the brim. I imagine this is due to
high pressures between a hard seat and hard socket breaking the fibres of
their clothing when they are sitting down. In an effort to overcome this
problem we have tried padding the posterior wall of the socket, including
around the brim, with plastazote or low density EVA, lined with leather,
vinyl or velour. In many cases, however, the clients still report
experiencing the same issues.
Has anyone else experienced a similar problem and if so what have they
successfully done to overcome the issue?
Mitch Farrar
Mitch Farrar
BEng(Biomedical)/BMedSci MCPO MAOPA MISPO
Unit 36, 148 Chesterville Road
Moorabbin. Victoria 3189
(m) (03) 9532 5098
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Promotion Prosthetics
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Some of the transfemoral clients at our facilities have problems with their
trousers and shorts tearing at the position of the posterior wall of their
socket, both at the brim and distally to the brim. I imagine this is due to
high pressures between a hard seat and hard socket breaking the fibres of
their clothing when they are sitting down. In an effort to overcome this
problem we have tried padding the posterior wall of the socket, including
around the brim, with plastazote or low density EVA, lined with leather,
vinyl or velour. In many cases, however, the clients still report
experiencing the same issues.
Has anyone else experienced a similar problem and if so what have they
successfully done to overcome the issue?
Mitch Farrar
Mitch Farrar
BEng(Biomedical)/BMedSci MCPO MAOPA MISPO
Unit 36, 148 Chesterville Road
Moorabbin. Victoria 3189
(m) (03) 9532 5098
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Promotion Prosthetics
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Mitchell Farrar, “Technique to avoid trouser and shorts tearing,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 13, 2025,