Study Seeking Orthotic &/or Prosthetic Clinics that Offer Rehabilitation Services

Lajoie, Julie Lynn



Study Seeking Orthotic &/or Prosthetic Clinics that Offer Rehabilitation Services


Lajoie, Julie Lynn





Study Seeking Orthotic &/or Prosthetic Clinics that Offer Rehabilitation Services!

Looking to give back to the field? Now is your chance! A study is being conducted at the University of Pittsburgh to understand trends of orthotics and prosthetics (O&P) practices who offer rehabilitation services.

Who is eligible: Prosthetic and/or Orthotic practices that offer in-house rehabilitation services. These services could include but are not limited to:

  * Physical or Occupational Therapy
  * Work out programs
  * Recreational Outings
  * Special Interest Classes
Who cannot participate:

  * Non-profits
  * Hospitals or large medical networks
  * Offices that offer rehabilitation at a different location
About the study: We will be conducting a preliminary and secondary interviews of business managers of O&P companies. The interviews will take approximately an hour long, will be over the phone, and will include audio recording. If you are willing to participate, our interview will ask questions about the logistics, communication, coordination, governance and leadership, employee training, accountability, integration, continuity, internal assistance, cooperation, and financial departments. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. Although there will be no financial compensation, potential benefits include applying the study results to your business. Identifying information will not be recorded with your interview, an anonymous identifier will be used for data processing (i.e. Business Manager #1). All responses are confidential and audio recordings will be kept in a locked filed cabinet then destroyed 7 years after the study is concluded (May 2017), per University of Pittsburgh requirements. Your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw from this study at any time.

Thank you for your interest! Please contact Julie by the phone or email listed below if you are interested in participating or have any questions.


Julie Lajoie

MSPO Student
University of Pittsburgh
<Email Address Redacted>



Lajoie, Julie Lynn, “Study Seeking Orthotic &/or Prosthetic Clinics that Offer Rehabilitation Services,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 14, 2025,