4R57 photo
Joan K. Cestaro, CP
4R57 photo
Joan K. Cestaro, CP
Trying to locate a photo of the 4R57 OttoBock rotation unit in action
pictured on a prosthesis. I've seen great photos during Powerpoints, but
can't find any online or at Bock. I recall a male amputee sitting on a chair
with the shin & foot portion rotated up, resting on the sound side, donning
a shoe on his prosthetic foot. I've also seen a photo showing a female
sitting on the floor with her legs crisscrossed (doing yoga maybe or as a
teacher or Mom sitting with kids). I need a photo that assists a layperson
with understanding how this unit functions on a prosthesis. Because driving
requirements seem to be the most appropriate medical justification for the
part (and the only one I've used it for), a photo showing rotation away from
a vehicle's pedals would be ideal. I've contacted OttoBock already. Hoping
they come through, but might get better results here.
Joan K. Cestaro, C.P.
pictured on a prosthesis. I've seen great photos during Powerpoints, but
can't find any online or at Bock. I recall a male amputee sitting on a chair
with the shin & foot portion rotated up, resting on the sound side, donning
a shoe on his prosthetic foot. I've also seen a photo showing a female
sitting on the floor with her legs crisscrossed (doing yoga maybe or as a
teacher or Mom sitting with kids). I need a photo that assists a layperson
with understanding how this unit functions on a prosthesis. Because driving
requirements seem to be the most appropriate medical justification for the
part (and the only one I've used it for), a photo showing rotation away from
a vehicle's pedals would be ideal. I've contacted OttoBock already. Hoping
they come through, but might get better results here.
Joan K. Cestaro, C.P.
Joan K. Cestaro, CP, “4R57 photo,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/242587.