Energy expenditure in Transfemoral activities

Chris Phillips



Energy expenditure in Transfemoral activities


Chris Phillips




Hello List,
I was recently asked by a physical therapist if I knew the average calorie usage for an AK amputee in normal walking and any other activities. I've heard statements in the past about the increased energy expenditure with AK vs BK but haven't seen anything in actual calorie value. It appears they are working with a patient that has nutritional issues and they need to account for all calories burned when he is working with them on gait and other activities.
I really don't have a good answer for him but I know someone here on the list serve does!
Anyone out there have some insight for me that I can pass along?
All input is greatly appreciated and I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Christopher Phillips, CPO

Seacoast Orthotics & Prosthetics
155 Griffin Rd Unit 2
Portsmouth, NH 03801

(603) 294-0010
(603) 294-0012 fax< <URL Redacted>>< <URL Redacted>>

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Chris Phillips, “Energy expenditure in Transfemoral activities,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025,