replies to hyperkyphosis bracing part 3

Lucy Best



replies to hyperkyphosis bracing part 3


Lucy Best




Thank you to all those who responded to my question about effective
treatment of hyperkyphosis.


There was a such great response so much that I had to put in 4 e-mails. Here
is the 3rd part (including original question)


Many thanks again!



Lucy Best


Orthotist and director of Hampshire Orthotics ltd, UK



On 2014-07-12 17:18, Hampshire Orthotics wrote:


I have a gentleman aged 92 years who came to me asking for a spinal brace to
prevent him doubling up when he walks and stands. He has tried corsets
with shoulder straps and a soft LSO Boston style brace in the past but they
did not help at all.

He has a flat rigid lumbar spine and hyperkyphosis which brings his head
very anterior of the central line, so there is a massive moment pulling him
down, mostly flexing at the hips.

I suspect his best option is to use a high walking stick/frame, but want to
look into orthotic options for him.

I think the only way to stop this is to use a body jacket with thigh cuffs,
hip joints set up as in an RGO to enable him to walk (OK to lock for
standing only). He probably wouldn't want to have all that bulk and weight.

He walks his dog every day and is the main carer for his wife.

Does anyone have any suggestions or orthotic braces they have tried (fails
and successes) for this patient group?

I would be grateful for any info and will post all on here.

Thanks, Lucy




Have you tried Orthomerica's California ECO TLSO? It is an L0456 with a
moldable metal posterior and shoulder straps. I would recommend he tighten
the straps when supine to get the most correction.


Or have him try a padded clavicle strap. It could act as a posture support
and prevent his shoulders from rolling forward.


Good luck.


Rachel Sidle, CPO

Spears P&O

Memphis, TN




I have had success with the California ECO. If they are severe I typically
have to see ten back to adjust every few weeks to adjust as they straighten
up. Not sure of it would work for your guy or not






my suggestion would be a physio referral would be suggested to start his
body moving back into correct position in addition to an orthtotic






Try a Spinomed IV TLSO by Medi. I have some success with kyphosis but you
need to bring patient in follow up as their posture improves.




Ive seen a few pts like this and really have no good solution. Im pretty
sure putting a 92 y/o in a body jacket with RGO's is cruel and unusual

punishment and not a good idea. Use the walking stick. Dante



use tailer brace







Lucy Best, “replies to hyperkyphosis bracing part 3,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 20, 2025,