Free Walk Orthosis

Kalsi, Rajiv



Free Walk Orthosis


Kalsi, Rajiv




I have an 85 year-old client with isolated quads weakness wearing an Otto Bock Freewalk KAFO. Initially I had a lot of trouble with the hammer not springing freely into the locked position at the end of swing phase. It was resolved at Otto Bock and it has worked reasonably well for the last few years. The brace was in for an overhaul recently and the problem came up again. We ended up changing the locking hammer, nylon bushings, spring and cable, but what seemed to work was filing the inside surface of the bushings...they seemed to be binding on the pin that holds the hammer in the lock...latest report from the client is that the brace is not locking/unlocking consistently. I'll see the client this week and was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem with the device, and any solutions.


Rajiv Kalsi, C.O.(c)
Certified Orthotist
Orthésiste certifié,
The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre / Le centre de réadaptation de l'Hôpital d'Ottawa
Prosthetics & Orthotics / Prothèses et orthèses
505 Smyth Rd.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1H 8M2
613-737-7350 ext.75314

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Kalsi, Rajiv, “Free Walk Orthosis,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 16, 2025,