Amputees In Hollywood needs help in casting a Steven Spielberg film.



Amputees In Hollywood needs help in casting a Steven Spielberg film.




Please let me know if you know someonewho can fill these roles and share the following message with them.
Thank you
Al Pike, CP(E)
Owner Amputees In
Hello Mr. Pike,
Cynthia Stillwell Casting is seekinga stand-in/photo-double role in the ABC production of Steven Spielberg's RedBand Society filming in Georgia.
The character is a teen who hasundergone a right below knee amputation. Prior to this, he was anathletic soccer player with a very positive, upbeat outlook. Thestand-in/photo-double person(s) will be needed to coach and mentor theactor to portray what is happening as he goes through these changes. These roles will be both with and without the use of prosthetics.
The stats are: Caucasian teen;*height 5'9 weight 142 lbs; age range 17-20 but can be older(adult); right BKA; hair-bald or willing to shave head. *Please noteheight and weight change from original request.
We are looking for bothstand-in and photo-double roles. The stand-in role will work about 4days/week with the photo-double role working about 1 day/week.
We would like to set up a time tomeet with the candidates this Friday, July 18, in our Atlanta location. Would you have any possible candidates for these roles who are located inGeorgia/East Coast?
We are also lookingfor patients in wheelchairs--amputees and other disabilities such asspinal injury, any age, any ethnicity. We are open and eager to provideopportunities to all people with disabilities in a way that wouldhonor them.
Thank you very much for yourhelp! Please contact Nancy at 678.223.8498 with any questions.

CynthiaFritts Stillwell
CynthiaStillwell Casting
CSCHotline: 404-419-6614

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“Amputees In Hollywood needs help in casting a Steven Spielberg film.,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,