Research survey at University of Michigan

Susannah Engdahl



Research survey at University of Michigan


Susannah Engdahl





My name is Susannah Engdahl and I'm a graduate student in biomedical
engineering at the University of Michigan. I am working with Dr. Deanna
Gates and Dr. Cindy Chestek on a survey of upper limb amputees. We want to
know what risks patients are willing to accept to try new prostheses if
they could achieve a certain level of performance with that device. An
improved understanding of these issues will help direct design priorities
for future devices.

We would appreciate your help in recruiting participants for this survey.
The only eligibility requirements are that:

-Participants are 18 years of age or older

-Participants have an upper limb amputation beyond finger level. Current
use of a prosthesis is *not* a requirement.

Completing this survey is completely voluntary and will take about 15
minutes. Participants will receive a gift card for completing the survey.
Instructions for obtaining the gift card are included at the end of the

The survey may be accessed at: (full URL:
<URL Redacted> )

If you know someone who would be eligible to take this survey, please pass
this information along to them. I can also send you a flyer about this
project to display in your clinic or share with patients. If you would like
a flyer, or if you have questions about the survey, please email me at
<Email Address Redacted> Thank you for your time!


Susannah Engdahl, BS

Department of Biomedical Engineering

University of Michigan

<URL Redacted>



Susannah Engdahl, “Research survey at University of Michigan,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 10, 2025,