AFO's (Helios and Dynamic Bracing Solution)

Daniela Wells



AFO's (Helios and Dynamic Bracing Solution)


Daniela Wells




I am writing to OANDP-L because I
would like an opinion in regards of an AFO.

I am 42 years
old and have the diagnose of Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. In
2008 I noticed my right foot started to drop and I was advised by my
neurologist from the MDA Clinic (Houston TX) to wear an AFO. I had a custom
plastic one done. In 2010 my AFO broke and I had another one made and this one was never right, I got tired to go to the Orthotics
place to fix it and ended up buying out of the internet a very inexpensive AFO
Leaf Spring by Ossur that works.

I walk without assistance, well with my AFO in my right leg but
started to notice I am more and more hyperextending my knees to keep my
balance and getting also more unstable. I have been losing
balance and tripping/falling quite a lot
when not using it. And also I search for places to grab or hold on to
while walking or standing.

I have been
researching for a new AFO brace and came across 2 products:

1) Ortho Rehab
Designs (HELIOS AFO developed by Mitchell Warner)

2) Dynamic Bracing Solutions (DBS
Braces developed by Marmaduke Loke)

I read their site, plus blogs and
chats and saw videos about them; they seem to be a miracle to someone like me. But
even though it is said they work for people with muscular dystrophy most of the
posts are for CMT, polio, MS and etc.

I know they are extremely expensive
there is why I would like an opinion/advice on them:

- Are they worth it?

- Does someone have experience with
those braces with a patient with Muscular Dystrophy?

- Plus they look very similar and are
advertising the same benefits, any recommendation (would one work better for my
case than the other)?

Thank you so MUCH!!! :-) Looking
forward to hear the replies!

Daniela Wells

Houston TX


Daniela Wells, “AFO's (Helios and Dynamic Bracing Solution),” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 5, 2024,