new view

Carey Jinright



new view


Carey Jinright




Have any of you considered that the sales tax that we pay on our private claims are an unfair tax? I know in this day with every state and the nation itself being depleted of revenue, the likelihood of getting this changed is slim to none, but I would like for you to think about it.  I was in a meeting the other day where a lobbyist proposed, for a fee, that he could have all state and local sales tax removed from medical equipment. He did succeed on this proposal for diabetic supplies in the past two years. 
Here is the thought pattern, most sales taxes are paid for by the consumer. If you go to the grocery store, you will pay sales tax, not the store! In our industry, unlike any other that I am aware of, we the business owners pay the sales tax on what we sell. I really feel that this is unfair tax beings that we cannot increase our fee schedule to absorb this tax. They are essentially taking 8-10% of your fee schedule for all of your private claims! Is this not something for us to scream about? Can you think of another industry that cannot pass this along to their customers? Can you think of another industry that pays the sales tax for the consumer of their goods? Is this fair that it is tied to a medical product that the fee schedules are set by the state and then the state receives the sales tax off of their own fee schedule amount? We should all be writing letters about this!
Carey Jinright, LO, ATP,MSM



Carey Jinright, “new view,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 4, 2024,