Re: Insurance Fairness for Amputees Act Reintroduced in U.S. Senate

Jim DeWees



Re: Insurance Fairness for Amputees Act Reintroduced in U.S. Senate


Jim DeWees




Dear members,
This email and information from NAAOP only goes to add more information and insight to my original question about O&P and the healthcare reform law that is going into effect on Jan 1, 2014.
Most of you that replied to my previous posts are also confused and thanked me for asking the question. As I said, the official stand by our organizations is that it is assumed that O&P is covered under the rehabilitative and habilitative medical provision...although it is NOT specifically mentioned....
The only negative reply that I recieved was someone basically attacking me. He stated that I appear to be the type that stands up in a crowded theater and yells FIRE. But still he cannot show me where in the Bill that O&P is covered. He believes that in the Social Security Act that Prosthetics are guaranteed as a benefit to medicare beneficiaries. He believes that there is no other bill or law that can trump this ACT. I don't know about what piece of legislation is more powerful or would win in a battle, but I believe that this Healthcare Reform was applied to everyone, and would be the final authority over any kind of medical benefits.
There is a lot of confusion about what is actually going on, what is covered, what is not, and a lot of gray areas all along the way.
My question still remains unanswered, and unclear. IF O&P is covered, then why is NAAOP asking us to fight for national parity, because this would seem to be one area that the reform package would cover, and make all insurance companies follow the CMS guidelines on all services, including O&P.
If it is NOT covered, will someone please be forthcoming with us and tell us that it is not covered, and that one way to approach this and correct this is to pass a national parity bill. Or at least find some way to make sure that amputees will still have access to prosthetics. And, also part of the legislation that passed now imposes a sales tax for medical devices, including prosthetics....only making matters worse for people.
But, many people still stand by this new law as good medicine and think it can be ammended....I have my own doubts about it being fixable.
We all need to really work on finding out these answers, and pressing lawmakers and everyone to answer these questions.
Jim DeWees, CP
> Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 11:39:27 -0400
> From: <Email Address Redacted>
> Subject: [OANDP-L] Insurance Fairness for Amputees Act Reintroduced in U.S. Senate
> To: <Email Address Redacted>
> Insurance Fairness for Amputees Act Reintroduced in U.S. Senate
> On April 8, 2011, Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Tom Harkin (D-IA)
> introduced S.773, the Insurance Fairness for Amputees Act, which in previous
> Congresses was entitled the Prosthetic and Custom Orthotic Parity Act. S.773
> would require plans that cover orthotic and prosthetic services to provide
> those benefits at the same level as other surgical and medical benefits
> provided under a private health plan, with no separate caps, arbitrary
> exclusions or lifetime limits for O&P care.
> Because the bill does not mandate coverage, the bill should not cost the
> federal government anything. Similar legislation is expected to be
> introduced in the House of Representatives.
> Reintroduction of this legislation is critical in the O&P profession's
> efforts to have orthotic and prosthetic services and devices covered under
> the essential health benefits package under the health reform bill.
> Introduction also creates a rallying cry around which O&P consumers and
> providers can organize advocacy efforts. We are asking all Senators to
> cosponsor this important legislation. As members of the Senate and House are
> asked to cosponsor this bill, the general awareness level of the importance
> of O&P coverage continues to take hold.
> Many O&P organizations deserve great credit for the success thus far of this
> initiative especially the Amputee Coalition. The Coalition has been the lead
> supporter of federal parity efforts and has worked tirelessly over the years
> to enact state based legislation that also ensures insurance fairness for
> O&P coverage under private insurance. In fact, currently, 19 states have
> passed legislation ensuring that access to prosthetic or orthotic services
> and devices is on par with other medical /surgical benefits in policies
> offering O&P coverage.
> In addition to the Amputee Coalition, members of the O&P Alliance,
> particularly the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, have worked
> hard on this issue, as well as Hanger.
> NAAOP strongly supports S. 773 and is working hard to see that as many
> Senators as possible become cosponsors of the legislation. WE URGE YOU TO
> 1. Visit our websites ( Congressional Action Center to
> immediately send a message to your Senator urging him or her to cosponsor S.
> 773; a draft message is there for you to send.
> 2. Use your 112th Congressional Directory to call your Senators or call the
> Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your two Senators' offices.
> Ask them to cosponsor S. 773 and why it is so important they do so.
> Thank you for your support of the NAAOP and the O&P profession!
> Please visit our website at:
> 1501 M Street, NW
> 7th Floor
> Washington, DC 20005-1700
> e-mail: <Email Address Redacted>
> (800) 622-6740
> (202) 624-0064 Phone
> (202) 785-1756 Fax


Jim DeWees, “Re: Insurance Fairness for Amputees Act Reintroduced in U.S. Senate,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 21, 2025,