Summary of Responses: Otto Bock & SPS
Brian M. Weaver
Summary of Responses: Otto Bock & SPS
Brian M. Weaver
Hello list,
From my original post, just below, I received a number of responses that
gave a bit of history and then some based on their experiences and beliefs
about this distribution agreement. All responses have had names removed.
Additional commentary is always welcome.
Have a great week.
Original Post:
I just got a new catalog from SPS that shows they are now distributing the
full line of modular components, most knees, cosmetics, and some carbon
products from Otto Bock.
Has anyone been able to buy Otto Bock components from any independent
1. No independents have been able carry Bock since 1992 when they pulled
distribution. Hanger wields a big stick!
2. Way back when about ten yrs ago Kingsley sold Otto Bock Also way back
when( I have been in practice 35yrs) Otto Bock would not sell to non
certified people...guess that's gone with the DOODOO bird
I have purchased some Bock stuff from SPS and actually it has been cheaper
and get it faster..go figure
3. Otto Bock pulled all of their distributors out years ago, only leaving us
to buy from Otto Bock as a distributor. I will not buy anything from Otto
Bock as now, if this is true that they are selling through SPS, as they are
now a competitor to me being an independent and not wanting to support
Hanger Supplimental Group. I guess they should change their name to Otto
4. This is something that I can't understand! Why is Otto Bock is teaming
up with SPS when 60-70 % of the industry is independent facilities. Perhaps
sales are down for them and striking a single deal is better than lowering
prices or designing new product to help drive up demand. I have seen the SPS
price sheet and noticed that some modular components are lower than Otto
Bock's prices. Bock's company line is that SPS does not help our main
competitor. Ridiculous, we CAN NOT buy at the prices that SPS owned
facilities can buy. We CAN NOT get these prices regardless of quantity
ordered from Bock and we CAN NOT buy from SPS, regardless of quantity, at
the discounted rates their facilities can. Therefore, Bock is helping our
largest competitor. Moreover, I wonder why other distributers are not
carrying Bock products?
Perhaps this is a way for SPS to sell to as many independents as possible
while collecting data on component purchases to share with their facilities
they own. Independents buying from SPS is a nice way to give them a heads up
as to what may be going on in local regions. Keep this in mind if you are an
independent. If you do not think they have computers to track purchases and
help decide where to go next, think again.
If Otto Bock wishes to help subsidize my competitor, then perhaps its time
for me to reduce my purchases so as not to do the same. Competition is
getting tougher but I hate to see suppliers take sides. Not sure Bock is
the gold standard they once were.
5. Please post your responses. I am not aware of any independent
distributors. I feel as though Otto Bock sold us out.
6. Time to purchase as much as we can from companies like American
7. Thats news to me I am happy to hear that since I use both and have
exelent reps.from both.
8. Sounds like another Hanger move. There facilities will now be able to
save a large percentage when ordering Bock components as is and always has
been customary when any Hanger orders from SPS. I have not purchased an item
from SPS for 18 plus years due to that fact. I have also not bought a lot
from Bock due to there price point. Nice products but too cost ineffective.
Now I swill buy nothings from Bock. Hanger I am sure has put a strangle hold
on Bock with a fear of boycott from further Hanger purchases. Please do not
take my message wrong. I am not a conspiracy theorist. Just have been around
a long time a know how there minds work. It still amazes me everyday that
independent practices still purchase from SPS. When is everyone going to
wake up?
Back to your question, I guarantee SPS will be the only distributor allowed
to sell Bock.
Just another day in P and O paradise.
Brian Weaver, LPO
American Orthopedics
1151 W. 5th Ave
Columbus, OH 43123
<Email Address Redacted>
614-291-2874 (fax)
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From my original post, just below, I received a number of responses that
gave a bit of history and then some based on their experiences and beliefs
about this distribution agreement. All responses have had names removed.
Additional commentary is always welcome.
Have a great week.
Original Post:
I just got a new catalog from SPS that shows they are now distributing the
full line of modular components, most knees, cosmetics, and some carbon
products from Otto Bock.
Has anyone been able to buy Otto Bock components from any independent
1. No independents have been able carry Bock since 1992 when they pulled
distribution. Hanger wields a big stick!
2. Way back when about ten yrs ago Kingsley sold Otto Bock Also way back
when( I have been in practice 35yrs) Otto Bock would not sell to non
certified people...guess that's gone with the DOODOO bird
I have purchased some Bock stuff from SPS and actually it has been cheaper
and get it faster..go figure
3. Otto Bock pulled all of their distributors out years ago, only leaving us
to buy from Otto Bock as a distributor. I will not buy anything from Otto
Bock as now, if this is true that they are selling through SPS, as they are
now a competitor to me being an independent and not wanting to support
Hanger Supplimental Group. I guess they should change their name to Otto
4. This is something that I can't understand! Why is Otto Bock is teaming
up with SPS when 60-70 % of the industry is independent facilities. Perhaps
sales are down for them and striking a single deal is better than lowering
prices or designing new product to help drive up demand. I have seen the SPS
price sheet and noticed that some modular components are lower than Otto
Bock's prices. Bock's company line is that SPS does not help our main
competitor. Ridiculous, we CAN NOT buy at the prices that SPS owned
facilities can buy. We CAN NOT get these prices regardless of quantity
ordered from Bock and we CAN NOT buy from SPS, regardless of quantity, at
the discounted rates their facilities can. Therefore, Bock is helping our
largest competitor. Moreover, I wonder why other distributers are not
carrying Bock products?
Perhaps this is a way for SPS to sell to as many independents as possible
while collecting data on component purchases to share with their facilities
they own. Independents buying from SPS is a nice way to give them a heads up
as to what may be going on in local regions. Keep this in mind if you are an
independent. If you do not think they have computers to track purchases and
help decide where to go next, think again.
If Otto Bock wishes to help subsidize my competitor, then perhaps its time
for me to reduce my purchases so as not to do the same. Competition is
getting tougher but I hate to see suppliers take sides. Not sure Bock is
the gold standard they once were.
5. Please post your responses. I am not aware of any independent
distributors. I feel as though Otto Bock sold us out.
6. Time to purchase as much as we can from companies like American
7. Thats news to me I am happy to hear that since I use both and have
exelent reps.from both.
8. Sounds like another Hanger move. There facilities will now be able to
save a large percentage when ordering Bock components as is and always has
been customary when any Hanger orders from SPS. I have not purchased an item
from SPS for 18 plus years due to that fact. I have also not bought a lot
from Bock due to there price point. Nice products but too cost ineffective.
Now I swill buy nothings from Bock. Hanger I am sure has put a strangle hold
on Bock with a fear of boycott from further Hanger purchases. Please do not
take my message wrong. I am not a conspiracy theorist. Just have been around
a long time a know how there minds work. It still amazes me everyday that
independent practices still purchase from SPS. When is everyone going to
wake up?
Back to your question, I guarantee SPS will be the only distributor allowed
to sell Bock.
Just another day in P and O paradise.
Brian Weaver, LPO
American Orthopedics
1151 W. 5th Ave
Columbus, OH 43123
<Email Address Redacted>
614-291-2874 (fax)
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intended recipient[s] of the transmission and may be a communication
privileged by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use,
dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender
by reply e-mail and please delete this e-mail from your system and destroy
any copies
Brian M. Weaver, “Summary of Responses: Otto Bock & SPS,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed January 1, 2025,