Internet-based PECOS

Manisha Bhaskar



Internet-based PECOS


Manisha Bhaskar




Mick Holm CPO, LPO,


I saw your posting on the listserve and I wanted you to know that the
Academy has been working on government affairs issues on a regular basis
and we are notifying our members on a regular basis of all issues that
impact on them. You should be aware about Internet based PECOS:
Internet-based PECOS is not available for durable medical equipment,
prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) suppliers.


Here is some information on PECOS for your review.


Peter D. Rosenstein

Executive Director

American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists

1331 H Street NW Suite 501

Washington, DC 20005

Tel: 202 380-3663

Fax: 202 380-3447 < <URL Redacted>>






Internet-based PECOS

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has implemented an
Internet-based Medicare provider enrollment process, known as
Internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS).

Internet-based PECOS is available to physicians, non-physician
practitioners, and provider and supplier organizations in all States and
the District of Columbia. Internet-based PECOS will allow physicians,
non-physician practitioners, and provider and supplier organizations the
option of enrolling, making a change in their Medicare enrollment
information, viewing Medicare enrollment information, or tracking the
status of their Medicare enrollment applications throughout the Internet
submission process.

For physicians and non-physician practitioners, there are three basic
steps to completing an enrollment action using Internet-based PECOS.
Physicians and non-physician practitioners must:

1. Have an NPPES User ID and password to use Internet-based PECOS. For
security reasons, physicians and non-physician practitioners should
change passwords periodically, at least once a year. Please read the
document entitled, Medicare Physician and Non-Physician Practitioners -
Protecting Your Privacy, Protecting Your Medicare Enrollment Record.
which is available in the Download section of this page.

2. Go to Internet-based PECOS by clicking on the link found in the
section titled, Related Links Outside CMS (at the bottom of this page)
and complete, review, and submit the electronic enrollment application
via Internet-based PECOS.

3. Print, sign and date the 2-page Certification Statement for each
enrollment application submitted and mail the Certification Statement
and all supporting paper documentation to the Medicare contractor within
7 days of electronic submission. Note: A Medicare contractor will not
process an Internet enrollment application without the signed and dated
Certification Statement. In addition, the effective date of filing an
enrollment application is the date the Medicare contractor receives the
signed Certification Statement that is associated with the Internet

The Certification Statement must be signed by the physician or
non-physician practitioner enrolling or making changes to enrollment
information. Signatures must be original and in ink (blue ink
recommended). Copied or stamped signatures will not be accepted.

The physician or non-physician practitioner assumes full and complete
liability for new and updated Medicare enrollment information that is
transmitted to the enrollment contractor via Internet-based PECOS once
the enrollment contractor receives the signed and dated Certification
Statement. In addition, the physician or non-physician practitioner is
responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of information furnished for
the Medicare enrollment process.

While CMS encourages physicians and non-physician practitioners to print
and retain a copy of the enrollment application for their records,
physicians and non-physician practitioners should only mail the 2-page
Certification Statement and supporting documentation to the designated
Medicare contractor.

Note: Internet-based PECOS is not be available for durable medical
equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) suppliers.

For additional information regarding Internet-based PECOS, go to the
download section of this web page.



Medicare Physician and Non-Physician Practitioners -- Protecting Your
Privacy [PDF, 67 KB]
< <URL Redacted>

Internet-based PECOS -- Contact Information for Physicians and
Non-Physician Practitioners [PDF, 40 KB]
< <URL Redacted>

Internet-based PECOS -- Getting Started Guide for Physicians and
Non-Physician Practitioners [PDF, 108 KB]

Internet-based PECOS -- Enrollment Example [PDF, 1,525 KB]

Internet-based PECOS -- Getting Started Guide for Provider and Supplier
Organizations [PDF, 75 KB]

Internet-based PECOS -- Provider and Supplier Organization Overview
[PDF, 19 KB]






Manisha S. Bhaskar
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
Director of Marketing & Publications
1331 H Street, NW, Suite 501
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 380-3663, ext. 210
FAX (202) 380-3447 < >


36th Academy Annual Meeting
& Scientific Symposium

FEBRUARY 24-27, 2010

Hyatt Regency Chicago < >





Manisha Bhaskar, “Internet-based PECOS,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 10, 2025,