Summary Re: Leather or Cloth Prosthetic Hand Glove



Summary Re: Leather or Cloth Prosthetic Hand Glove


Dear List Members:
The following is a copy of my original post, followed by the replies.
Many thanks to all those who responded! An Isotoner glove was mentioned and
is one of the option I previously discussed with the gentleman wishing to
have a glove for his prosthesis, as he does prefer a cloth glove, which would
be easier to find in a somewhat flesh tone color. He opposed to a
prosthetic PVC or Silicone skin glove and wishes . He has worn a prosthesis for
60+ years!
Thanks again for the valued input!

Original Post
In a message dated 10/18/2009 7:59:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, JNBillock

Dear List Members:
I am looking for a possible source for acquiring either a leather or cloth
glove to cover a prosthetic hand of the type used before PVC or Silicone
gloves were developed.
The last known gloves I am aware of were sold by Viennatone, one of the
early manufactures of electric hands in the early 70's. The gloves were made
of a very thin, yet good quality, black leather and had a zipper from the
MCP of the thumb to the end of the glove.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
John N. Billock, CPO/L, FAAOP
O&P Rehabilitation Engineering Centre
Warren, Ohio USA


I had ordered leather gloves for this purpose from Steeper - for the cost
of them, I thought finding another source would be a good idea. They
didn't have a zipper but a button snap to allow donning.
Morning, John. At one time Otto Bock still handled the glove that you are
talking about, but I remember it as cream not black. I always had the
farmers I worked with use the medium/large Wells Lemont gloves. They left them
in place on their second, work hand. The fingers were long but they just
ignored that.
Morning, John. At one time Otto Bock still handled the glove that you are
talking about, but I remember it as cream not black. I always had the
farmers I worked with use the medium/large Wells Lemont gloves. They left them
in place on their second, work hand. The fingers were long but they just
ignored that.
John, this is off the wall, but you might try a company called Isotoner.
They used to make (and I assume they still might) high quality driving
gloves. Another possible source might be the race car industry. Race car drivers
(especially Formula 1 folks) might also have access to something like this.
 Putting a zipper in a glove should not be a big deal.

I once used a commercial glove, leather design with elastic on the medial
and lateral sides of the fingers. The glove was very thin leather and
durable. It did not inhibit operation of the hand. They are very popular at this
time of year at department stores but the bad news is that I forgot the
brand name.



“Summary Re: Leather or Cloth Prosthetic Hand Glove,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed January 15, 2025,