New Ohio Medicaid Law
Thomas M. Wilson, LPed, LO
New Ohio Medicaid Law
Thomas M. Wilson, LPed, LO
Greetings List!
I have been told by numerous physical therapists here in Ohio that a new law
has been voted on and passed. The law bundles DME, OP, and PT services
for patients in all nursing home facilities regardless if they are skilled
or not. This only pertains to Medicaid only patients. The bundling
involves how Medicaid pays for DME, OP and PT services - the nursing
facility is now required to pay for these services and the individual DME,
OP and PT suppliers, they must bill the facility and NOT Medicaid.
I know how willing nursing facilities are to offer us purchase orders and
some of the physical therapists I have talked with have told me they are
discharging most of their Medicaid patients from their PT programs.
I have not been able to verify this new law independently. Has anyone seen
the ruling in writing? If so, could you send me a link?
Do any other states out there have similar laws? If so, how successful are
you at getting the nursing home to actually PAY for your services?
I will post all replies with names and credentials unless otherwise asked.
Thanks for any insight on this problem.
Tom Wilson, C.Ped, CO
Rocco P & O Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
I have been told by numerous physical therapists here in Ohio that a new law
has been voted on and passed. The law bundles DME, OP, and PT services
for patients in all nursing home facilities regardless if they are skilled
or not. This only pertains to Medicaid only patients. The bundling
involves how Medicaid pays for DME, OP and PT services - the nursing
facility is now required to pay for these services and the individual DME,
OP and PT suppliers, they must bill the facility and NOT Medicaid.
I know how willing nursing facilities are to offer us purchase orders and
some of the physical therapists I have talked with have told me they are
discharging most of their Medicaid patients from their PT programs.
I have not been able to verify this new law independently. Has anyone seen
the ruling in writing? If so, could you send me a link?
Do any other states out there have similar laws? If so, how successful are
you at getting the nursing home to actually PAY for your services?
I will post all replies with names and credentials unless otherwise asked.
Thanks for any insight on this problem.
Tom Wilson, C.Ped, CO
Rocco P & O Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
Thomas M. Wilson, LPed, LO, “New Ohio Medicaid Law,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 11, 2025,