Accreditation responses

Paula Martinek



Accreditation responses


Paula Martinek




Thanks to all who have responded. As you can see the responses were pretty varied. I'm getting the idea though that if we were to get accredited that we have to do both offices. I say if we were because there are opinions on whether or not we even have to get accredited. Well we solider on, I guess. I think it's better to be safe than sorry. Here are the responses. Paula Martinek, LPO


I believe you do need to accredit both.
We have 2 offices 40 miles apart and we are at the satellite 2 afternoons a
We had to accredit both. You need every policy and everything that is needed
for your main office.
You do have some leeway if you don't store charts in the satellite


Accreditation is for organizations, not individual offices. You can't have
one accredited office and one non accredited. You also can not be
accredited in orthotics and not prosthetics if you regularly provide
prosthetic services. Accreditation needs to be for all the O&P services you
provide. Distance between offices does matter but how is the question.
While details will vary between accrediting agencies, the best source of
information would be Scott Williamson at ABC.

As long as you have appropriately credentialed people taking care of
your patients the answer is that none of your offices need to be
Someday this may change, but the Oct 1 deadline does not apply to
facilities that use properly certified clinicians.
If you ask ABC or BOC they will probably say YE$$$$$. As I understand, you do not need your offices accredited. Under Medicare O&P (but not Pedorthics) is exempt from the Federal requirement. Even before the exemption, you only needed accreditation for the provider number. Since most satellite offices work under the main office provider number no additional accreditation is needed. (CMS might say you need separate provider numbers for each location, but that's another issue.) You would need accreditation only if you want to hire an NCOPE resident or if you have managed care contracts that require.
As a Florida licensed practitioner, if you own the practice, you should be exempt from the Federal and State surety bond requirement as well.

If you have multiple offices, each office must have it's own Medicare number. You can bill everything through one location, however if you treat a Medicare Patient in your satellite office, you must bill it with that office MC #.
That being said, if you want to be part of the system to come in both offices, make sure you have two separate MC #'s and have both offices accredited.

We just did the ABC Accreditation and they are both accredited - one as the
main facility and the other as a satellite or secondary office. They both
need to contain identical information as far as company policies and
procedures, but all the licenses and permits are different because they are
in different cities. We paid for accreditation of the two offices when we
sent in the applications.

I don't know where you are, but if your licensed by the state and own your don't need accreditation.
Just thought I'd share that with you.



Paula Martinek, “Accreditation responses,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 9, 2025,