
Yvette Pratt



Yvette Pratt




Thank you to everyone who responded to my inquiry about a sturdier
prosthetic foot. I think I am going to try the Bioquest foot, so thank you
to all who recommended it. Several of you requested that I post the
responses, so here they are:
When I had an active patient who broke his toes like you describe I would
glue a layer of elk to the forefoot up to the toes with the smooth side
facing the sole of the shoe. Wheather this helped to remove the friction of
the foot agaist the sole, or that the leather gave it extra protection from
fatique it worked. Getting the foot wet though may cause the glue to leave
the prosthetic shell. I however did also add a inside piece full insole of
very thin teflon left over from the oven shelf for the inside of the shell.
Try the Perfect Stride X3 from Bio Quest. It has amazing mobility and
Actually, try gluing a thin layor of cats paw to the bottom of the foot
shell. Full length. You can sand off the bumpies if you want it smooth
I glue a patch of leather over this spot on renegade footshells when they're
new, it has helped them last quite a bit longer

Again, thank you to all for your help
Yvette Pratt CP



Yvette Pratt, “[Untitled],” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 9, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/230458.