Re: "New Innovations"

Robin Seabrook



Re: "New Innovations"


Robin Seabrook




NCOPE would like to respond and provide some information concerning New
Innovations. The board approved in the spring of 2008 to begin and
pilot a new on-line tracking system for residents and
directors/supervisors. For any residents that registered with a start
date of June 1, 2008 they were being encouraged to use and pilot the New
Innovations system. We are piloting and continue to review and analysis
this system and the possibility of other systems.

Any resident and the resident director are mailed upon registration a
set of instructions with their log-in as well as a copy of the
PowerPoint for instructions on the use of New Innovations. NCOPE has
also been publishing information this movement and piloting program
since summer of 2008 as evidence by our newsletter that are posted on
our web site at:
<URL Redacted>
<URL Redacted>
<URL Redacted>

We also hosted for directors and residents at the Academy's meeting in
March 2009 a workshop on the use and possible movement to New
We continue to work out issues and concerns and encourage any resident
and or director/supervisor to provide us your comments and feedback on
the use of this system at:

<Email Address Redacted> We ask you put in subject line: New Innovations

The board is still reviewing and analyzing this system as well as
another system as stated earlier. It is the direction the board
believes the residency program should go, but we do want to hear and
address concerns that the residents and/or directors/supervisors may

Thank you for your interest in O&P education and specifically residency.

Robin Seabrook
Executive Director

-----Original Message-----
From: Orthotics and Prosthetics List [mailto:<Email Address Redacted>] On
Behalf Of Warren Mays
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 1:32 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: [OANDP-L] New Innovations

Hello All,


We have a formal NCOPE residency program that we run. Recently, we have
getting emails from an organization called New Innovations advising us
that we are not up to date on various evaluations, etc. They direct us
to a
log in website, but it requests the facility name, user name and
none of which we have ever been issued. We have sent emails to NCOPE and
New Innovations requesting this data, but to date have heard nothing
any of them. Any of you experiencing the same thing? How did you get
log in? You'd think that they would provide these things before asking


Warren R Mays, CPO




Robin Seabrook, “Re: "New Innovations",” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 10, 2025,