prosthetic shoe
Joan Cestaro
prosthetic shoe
Joan Cestaro
It seems as though my question regarding denials for a prosthetic shoe
created more interest in what this was. Following is an excerpt from AOPA's
Prosthetic shoes
Medicare will also cover a prosthetic shoe (L3250) if it is part of a
prosthesis for a patient with a partial foot amputation (designated by an
ICD diagnosis code of 755.31, 755.38, 755.39, or 895-896.3). The shoe must
be custom-fabricated from a model of the patient and have a removable,
custom-fabricated insert designed for a toe or partial foot amputation. You
cannot use L3250 for a shoe put on over leg prostheses (described by codes
L5010-L5600) that are attached to the residual limb by other mechanisms.
There are further stipulations as to what must be included in the device
(such as a rigid shank), but it is similar to a fully loaded custom molded
Joan Cestaro, C.P.
RPI- Winchester, VA
created more interest in what this was. Following is an excerpt from AOPA's
Prosthetic shoes
Medicare will also cover a prosthetic shoe (L3250) if it is part of a
prosthesis for a patient with a partial foot amputation (designated by an
ICD diagnosis code of 755.31, 755.38, 755.39, or 895-896.3). The shoe must
be custom-fabricated from a model of the patient and have a removable,
custom-fabricated insert designed for a toe or partial foot amputation. You
cannot use L3250 for a shoe put on over leg prostheses (described by codes
L5010-L5600) that are attached to the residual limb by other mechanisms.
There are further stipulations as to what must be included in the device
(such as a rigid shank), but it is similar to a fully loaded custom molded
Joan Cestaro, C.P.
RPI- Winchester, VA
Joan Cestaro, “prosthetic shoe,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 11, 2025,