Re: prosthetic delivery bags

Ralph Nobbe



Re: prosthetic delivery bags


Ralph Nobbe




Hello All - some years ago, I ordered several rolls of carrying bags that we
provide during device delivery. They are white polyethylene and measure
50length X 20wide and have a red and blue graphic displaying an active
character. They are attractive and fit 98% of all LE prosthetic devices. We
provide them upon delivery for patients to carry their old limb and
supplies, etc. I am now down to the last two bags and am unable to locate
the source. Any help in locating the source for these would be appreciated.
The source for these bags is:
Orthoremedy (800) 662-7993
they are sold on a roll
100 per roll = $110.00 shipping
<URL Redacted>
and they are exactly what we ordered before. Very nice. These are the same
guys that provide the Endoflex prosthesis in New Jersey.
Other suggestions were to Google plastic bags. There are numerous sources
for custom printed bags of every size, color, shape and orientation you
could possibly want. Most have a fairly large minimum order - far exceeding
our needs.
A couple respondents also suggested they provide zippered canvas/nylon bags
with their logos to patients. This option is also available from numerous
internet sources in any size, color, shape and orientation you could
possibly want. Cost range is $50-$90 per bag.
Ralph W. Nobbe, CPO
Nobbe Orthopedics, Inc.
3010 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805) 687-7508 tel
(805) 687-6251 fax
 < <URL Redacted>>
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Ralph Nobbe, “Re: prosthetic delivery bags,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,