Re: Article: Blatant Medicare fraud costs taxpayers billions
Kim L. Ruhl CPO
Re: Article: Blatant Medicare fraud costs taxpayers billions
Kim L. Ruhl CPO
List members and Jan,
I have said it before and I will say it again, the party most responsible for this colossal blunder, is none other than Medicare itself. They have nearly bludgeoned our profession to death. Medicare has engaged in an unmitigated dereliction of duty by steadfastly refusing to enforce current reimbursement regulations, and has simultaneously decimated our educational requirements. Both of these reckless actions have been soundly condemned by the GAO.
Unfortunately taxpayers are going to feel rabid indignation about this outrageous situation, and rightly so. As Jan has so accurately noted, the taxpayers they are going to want someone's head on a pike, and we all know who that someone is probably going to be.
As we can see from the news video, Medicare's tacit sanctioning of such catastrophic deregulation has opened wide the citadel gates to the untrained, the incompetent, and every sort of criminal enterprise. All this has been done naively under the ill-advised and misguided intent of creating more competition in the market place. Well Medicare, you have succeeded brilliantly in creating more competition all right. I say, hey Medicare, what we need is not simply more competition, but better competition!
The sad truth of the matter is this folks; responsible and honest businesses can never be established by failure to enforce necessary laws or by the lowering our ethics and educational standards! These essential concepts appear to be wholly lost on both Medicare and ABC.
Kim L. Ruhl LPO
----- Original Message -----
From: Saunders, Jan CPO < <Email Address Redacted> >
To: < <Email Address Redacted> >
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:16 AM
Subject: [OANDP-L] Article: Blatant Medicare fraud costs taxpayers
This is exactly why I have been for years saying our biggest fight for the existence of our profession is to have all of our fee collecting organizations, fight demand, and use as much of it's resources to get our profession, as specially educated care providers broken away from DME salesman. I may not be up on how hard our fee collecting organization?are working at getting this done. We are not putting enough of?our fees in the right places (this is critical). We need results not good intentions.
Blatant Medicare fraud costs taxpayers billions Officials say an array of criminals are running widespread, organized and lucrative schemes to bilk Medicare out of an estimated 60-billion dollars a year, ripping through the social safety net that cares for 43-million seniors and the disabled.
<URL Redacted>
Wait the fall out from this is about to smack us right in the face
Jan Saunders CPO,?LPO
I have said it before and I will say it again, the party most responsible for this colossal blunder, is none other than Medicare itself. They have nearly bludgeoned our profession to death. Medicare has engaged in an unmitigated dereliction of duty by steadfastly refusing to enforce current reimbursement regulations, and has simultaneously decimated our educational requirements. Both of these reckless actions have been soundly condemned by the GAO.
Unfortunately taxpayers are going to feel rabid indignation about this outrageous situation, and rightly so. As Jan has so accurately noted, the taxpayers they are going to want someone's head on a pike, and we all know who that someone is probably going to be.
As we can see from the news video, Medicare's tacit sanctioning of such catastrophic deregulation has opened wide the citadel gates to the untrained, the incompetent, and every sort of criminal enterprise. All this has been done naively under the ill-advised and misguided intent of creating more competition in the market place. Well Medicare, you have succeeded brilliantly in creating more competition all right. I say, hey Medicare, what we need is not simply more competition, but better competition!
The sad truth of the matter is this folks; responsible and honest businesses can never be established by failure to enforce necessary laws or by the lowering our ethics and educational standards! These essential concepts appear to be wholly lost on both Medicare and ABC.
Kim L. Ruhl LPO
----- Original Message -----
From: Saunders, Jan CPO < <Email Address Redacted> >
To: < <Email Address Redacted> >
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:16 AM
Subject: [OANDP-L] Article: Blatant Medicare fraud costs taxpayers
This is exactly why I have been for years saying our biggest fight for the existence of our profession is to have all of our fee collecting organizations, fight demand, and use as much of it's resources to get our profession, as specially educated care providers broken away from DME salesman. I may not be up on how hard our fee collecting organization?are working at getting this done. We are not putting enough of?our fees in the right places (this is critical). We need results not good intentions.
Blatant Medicare fraud costs taxpayers billions Officials say an array of criminals are running widespread, organized and lucrative schemes to bilk Medicare out of an estimated 60-billion dollars a year, ripping through the social safety net that cares for 43-million seniors and the disabled.
<URL Redacted>
Wait the fall out from this is about to smack us right in the face
Jan Saunders CPO,?LPO
Kim L. Ruhl CPO, “Re: Article: Blatant Medicare fraud costs taxpayers billions,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 16, 2025,