Improving our systems w six sigma

Joyce Perrone



Improving our systems w six sigma


Joyce Perrone




Thank you to those that responded to my prior question asking if anyone
used 6 sigma in their o&p business.
Someone had called me and I unfortunately lost the number - so if you
would please call me again, I would appreciate that!

I have just complete what is known as the GREEN BELT training thru
on-line with Villanova University. It was a good training and was a
great brain stretch for me.

First - here are some of the comments from the listserv community:

Here are some of the comments:
I am not sure smaller offices ck. their systems that carefully to go up
to Six Sigma. Airlines to do it; and I wish our government would!
We are still struggling with what can be measured that is meaningful and
yet not so laborious that the expense is higher than the gains. Our
efforts have been aimed at our manufacture of devices within our
company. We have written ACCESS databases to be the work order(pract
input), scheduling of work in CFab which includes an assessment step of
the data input by the pract, the inspection of work leaving the facility
so that it meets quality standards set per type of device, then the
pract will assess the device based on set questions plus comments, which
are reviewed by the CQI chairperson for action needed. ACCESS has
allowed us to create queries into the tables for a variety of questions,
comparisons and so forth.

The stumbling blocks are time as we are busy doing the work in the first
place. Hope that helps
I would very much appreciate you sharing any feedback you get on this, I
have been considering taking the Sigma Six courses to see if we should
incorporate some of it into the curriculum for future students. I have
not met anyone using or considering using it in O&P, and would value
your thoughts on the subject.

The biggest question I hear and comments in general were that Six Sigma
is for big auto manufacturing and not for us. So, here is what it
really is in basic terminology:

A way of delivering near perfect products and services by improving the
process and eliminating defects. The end result is to DELIGHT
CUSTOMERS. -- Sounds like this is something for ANY BUSINESS! The term
DMAIC is used in 6 sigma as Define, Manage, Analyse, Improve, and
Control. From all the training, one learns how to pick and choose
projects and then work thru them and statistically analyse them to show
where they are weak or strong, how to improve them and then prove if
your changes have worked. It is a higher level of thinking, that is a

Even if you do not go thru full training on sigma, I would recommend
learning at least some of the principles and applying them to improve
your processes. One thing to know (and this is a true statistic) is
that when there are failures in what goes on in your company - only 5%
of the time is it attributable to a person - 95% of the time it is the

Joyce J Perrone
De La Torre O&P, Inc & PROMISE Consulting, Inc
300 Alpha Drive Pgh PA 15238
412-599-1112 Cell: 412-849-7750



Joyce Perrone, “Improving our systems w six sigma,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025,