"Medicare Announces Mandatory Accreditation Deadline"

Warren Mays



"Medicare Announces Mandatory Accreditation Deadline"


Warren Mays




Hi Tom,


Just read your email regarding the above. While this major step forward by
Medicare would seem to be a good thing for those of us who are already
accredited, as well as a good thing for the O and P profession, in general,
I am curious just what other accreditations are also being accepted. I think
it would be a major misstep by ABC to imply, if only by lack of mentioning
other acceptable accreditations, that only ABC accreditation is going to be
accepted. What looks to be a sorting out of the non-certified,
non-accredited practitioners and facilities may not, in fact, be the case.


In a recent meeting with an insurance company in my state, the insurance
company referred to the credentials of a local P and O company, stating that
each of the practitioners was certified by the IOPA: the International
Orthotic-Prosthetic Association. I have never heard of this organization,
nor do I find it when Googled. The insurance company was stunned to find
this out and, fortunately, took action to remove this player from the list
of providers. Why would Medicare know any different? How much effort do they
spend determining what is, or is not, a valid accrediting agency? And what
action is ABC taking to help Medicare understand that some of these
fly-by-night licensing and accrediting boards are illegitimate?


By the way, a quick googling of IOPA does produce one interesting result:
www.iaop.org < <URL Redacted>> . Visit this when you get a chance. I'm
not sure exactly who these people are, or how they qualify for the .org
status, as it looks to be clearly for profit, based on the suppliers who
must be sponsoring the site. Nevertheless, they don't list any
qualifications. I'd invite any responses from anyone who knows anything
about these folks.


Thank you,



Warren R Mays, CPO





Warren Mays, “"Medicare Announces Mandatory Accreditation Deadline",” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/228782.