Response to Clubfoot

chong shrout



Response to Clubfoot


chong shrout




Thank you all for your responses. Responses are as followed:

We've used many Ponsetti AFO systems for clubfoot after casting. They
are fine. They stay on the feet and no pressure problems. They are
long enough to accommodate a reasonable amount of growth. Parents are
happy using them too. Greg Aaron, CO Shriners, Northern California.

My name is Damon Victor, RTO, and I have great deal of expierence making AFO's for clubfoot patients. I operate a
facility, Damon Designs, that specializes in pediatric orthoses. We have many custom designs that have succeeded, including Ponseti AFO's. Our most common model is the solid ankle made of 1/8 (or thinner) plastic, with an 1/8' foam liner. The real trick is: the mold modifations and the final trim lines on the ankle and dorsum of the foot- come high on the lateral mid foot and come up over the first metatarsal. Helps to control forefoot torsion in the correct planes. Call 850-570-2594 if you need fabrication help.

The Ponseti AFO brace or mitchell brace is awesome compared to the standard
shoes and bar. High patient compliance and min. to non skin issues. Would
recommed over any brace right now on the market!

I treat many children with clubfoot using Ponsetti Method. We use either the Markell boots and Fillauer Bar or the Mitchell Boots and bar (often called Ponsetti AFO). The Mitchells can be purchaced through MD Orthopaedic. Parents like them as they are light weight and seem comfortable for their child. The Markells also work well, but are not as easy for the parents. I always put a hole in the heel of the Markells so the parent can ensure that the foot is properly seated in the shoe. We have excellent outcomes for both, but success requires that the boots are put on properly.

Our practice in the Charlotte NC area have been using the Ponseti/Mitchell AFO with spreader bar for post cast tx. of clubfoot. We have found the device to be the most compliant of all the devices that we currently use.
MD Orthopaedics is the manufacturer of this device. They are a little costly.

I use a Dennis Brown splint. I set the toe out at 45 degrees and also I create a valgus angle of about 10 degrees,

I have fit two kids so far with the Ponseti AFO's with success. I have two more that I have measured that are in fabrication and will be fit as soon as the last round of casts are removed. The pediatric orthopod has his nurse schedule for me to be in their office when he is going to remove the first or second round of casts so that I can measure. I use a soft measuring tape for circumferences and a pediatric m/l gauge to measure lengths and widths. MD Orthopaedics is the company that you want to use. Currently, they only go to a size 3 AFO which is similar in size to a Markell shoe TM-1644 size 3. Brittany is the person to ask for and her phone number is 877-766-7384. If you have any questions please contact me. They give written instructions with the orthoses on proper donning. The footplate on one of the AFO's I fit could have been made longer. I have added 3-4 mm to the length from now on. Take care.

the Ponsettimethod is in Germany the golden Standart. In the following Link
you can see some examples to built an Ponsetti-Orthosis. Sorry, it is in
german, but the pistures are speaking for themselves.
<URL Redacted>

Thank you again.

Chong Shrout C.O.
San Francisco, CA

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chong shrout, “Response to Clubfoot,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 1, 2025,