And The Medicare Ripoff Survey SAYS

james adams



And The Medicare Ripoff Survey SAYS


james adams




You forgot to provide choice F. And that is that the patient is ripping
off Medicare. If the patient has an electric wheel chair he is not
eligible for prosthetic care under medicare guidelines. Seems like your
innocent patient is a little bit of a wheeler and dealer himself and
milking the system to obtain equipment that he is not eligible for. I
attempted to get an electric wheel chair, and was not eligible because I
had legs. So how did this patient bend the rules and cheat medicare to
pay for an ELECTRIC wheelchair AND new legs.

And what makes Phillipe Cartaya CPO an expert on what is quality care and
what is not quality care. How do we know that Phillipe is not some hack
that provides sub standard care and does not know a properly fitting
prosthesis from a good fitting shoe. He appears to have the same
qualifications as all the other CPO's in the industry. Perhaps when the
patient was fit the limbs fit perfectly, maybe things have changed and
now the patient is looking for new legs because he simply does not want
to go back to the other clinic. If Phillipe really wanted to know the
truth, he would have the patient request the patient files transfered
over to his office so he could get details instead of posting on this
list serve. That is what I did when I changed my practitioner.

As for Mr. Barr, you have no formal education in prosthetics, you are not
certified nor are you licensed, so how could you possibly be qualified to
know what you are talking about. You come across as nothing more than a
self serving blowhard trying to sell your books and promote your personal
agenda. So big deal, you are an amputee, so am I, that does not make you
an expert, it makes you a patient, nothing more. As for this licensing
issue, from what I hear Florida has the most stringent licensing in the
country, and it was all the fraud and abuse in Florida that is causing
all the problems with Medicare lately. So much for licensing protecting
the patients.

Jimmy Singleton

BK Amputee, Kansas City, MO.
ACA Member and tired of the silly games of this so called profession.


Tony Barr < <Email Address Redacted> >


Orthotics and Prosthetics List < <Email Address Redacted> >


Tony Barr < <Email Address Redacted> >


<Email Address Redacted>


14 Oct 2006, 04:08:53 PM


Re: [OANDP-L] And The Medicare Ripoff Survey SAYS.........


May I suggest we take a O&P listerve survey to assist Mr.Cartaya's dilemma,
described below, and see what some of his 'professional' colleagues would
suggest he might referto his patient to do, as possible recourse, for
receiving a improper fitting prosthesis by a ABC certified prosthetist.

He assured the wife of his patient that he would have her husband walking
and enjoying the activities he did before loosing his limb . He states the
patient is an easy case, long A/K good shape, motivated to walk everything
going for him to make it easier for me as the prosthetist.
Since there is no legal recourse to approach, as South Carolina providers
are not regulated - ethically, I ask the O&P subscribers which one of the
below might you suggest the patient do:
A) Contact the prosthetist whom made the leg to correct the problem and if
he does not ,contact the ABC /Professional Diplomacy Committee, since the
provider is ABC certified, and contact the physician that subscribed the
prosthesis and inform them both of the issue.
B) contact the insurance provider that paid for the ill fitting prosthesis
and the wheelchair inform them of the dilemma.
C) contact the State of South Carolina's Consumer Affairs Dept.,under the
Dept. of Agriculture, since this is the only dept. for formal complaint
in a unregulated state .
E) Tell him not to say anything to anyone and hope he can still get coverage
to reimburse Cartaya for a making another but proper fitting
prosthesis.There are good and bad providers out there as in every other
health care profession, and he just got a bad one.
Answer ? You may suggest other directions than A-E but a no response will
count as a vote for E) toward the total number of subscribers !

-----Original Message-----
From: Orthotics and Prosthetics List [mailto:<Email Address Redacted>] On
Behalf Of Phillipe Cartaya CPO
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 8:45 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: [OANDP-L] Med rip off

The patient, whom I previously described on the listserve, barley goes out
of the house because of how the leg fits and how it looks when he walks, 10
months now.. He and his wife have an adopted 12 yr old and he cant even
enjoy doing the normal kind of outside things with his child that other
people do because of the ill fitting prosthesis .
His wife asked me today where do I think her husband is right now ?, I
answered w here? She said He is in the backyard in his ELECTRIC
He sits in an electric wheelchair with a $40,000.00 useless prostheses
inside. I thought what a powerful picture it would be if I took a picture of
him in his wheelchair with the hi - tech state of the art, most expensive,
futuristic, computerized energy storage shock absorbing prostheses standing
on the ground next to him.
I thought it might be interesting to ask other people to post what caption
put under the picture would have the most impact to them.
I assured the wife that I WOULD have her husband walking and enjoying the
activities he did before loosing his limb once I was done with him. He is an
easy case, long A/K good shape, motivated to walk everything going for him
to make it easier for me as the prosthetist. I told them not to worry
about any potential the rienbursment problems , if I could at least break
even Ill be happy.Phillipe Cartaya

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james adams, “And The Medicare Ripoff Survey SAYS,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 2, 2024,