Barr Foundation's Tribute of the Week : Ertl Amputees Across America

Tony Barr



Barr Foundation's Tribute of the Week : Ertl Amputees Across America


Tony Barr




The Barr Foundation sponsored 3500 mile Ertl Amputees Across America event
was completed in Vero Beach, Florida July 31, 2006 .
See : <URL Redacted>
The Barr Foundation was proud to be a primary sponsor in the event and in
sponsoring Ertl amputees AJ Johnson and Ron King, our
web master. Joe Sapere , veteran and organizer of the event, is also a
Ertl Amputee.
Below is also a great picture of Joe Sapere showing off the advantages of
recieving a Ertl and bearing weight on his limb for the folks for the
Imagine the prosthetic rehabilitation outcomes and benefits if every amputee
could accomplish this inside their sockets ?
<URL Redacted>
Thank you Joe, Dave, Ron and AJ for a remarkable accomplishment and
providing hope and inspiration for all amputees..
Anthony T. Barr
Barr Foundation < <URL Redacted>>
By Joe Sapere/Ertl Amputee
On June 5th, 2006, AJ and Gary departed Los Angeles on a two month adventure
to test their limits as individuals, to demonstrate to patients in
HealthSouth Rehab Hospitals and Shriner's Childrens' Orthopedic Hospitals,
that life is worth living, and to prove that ordinary people can do
extraordinary things. With each turn of the pedal, Gary and AJ proved that
life is worth living and that losing a leg does not mean losing one's life.
Though riding a bicycle is but the means to test themselves, touching the
hearts and minds of so many in so many ways, is a much truer measure of
courage and determination than any number of miles that they rode on a
bicycle. Gary and AJ carried a message of hope that made a difference in so
many lives. Their message, with every arrival at every one of the thirty
facilities they visited, was one of hope and prayer. Each day, these two
individuals climbed onto a bicycle and rode it for as long as they were
able. Then, pushed themselves to visit with patients along the way. The
next day, they climbed back on their bikes again and did it all over again.
No one day, no one visitation was an obstacle that could not be overcome.
But with each successive day, and with the emotional see-saw of visiting
patients and dealing with the physical demands of riding, the trip began to
take its toll. Each passing day, it became harder and harder to recuperate,
relying on adrenaline and the best wishes of the patients they visited to
recharge their batteries. But they fought through and prevailed over the
pain, the heat, and the exhaustion. As in all things, there were good days
and bad days. There were days they laughed in celebration of living and
there were days where they cried but kept moving forward to the next mile,
the next stop, and then the next visitation. Gary who rode in pain, using
his only good leg to pedal up hills, persevered with determination and
faith. AJ, who constantly tested herself and would not give up to failure,
persevered, conquered the demons, and by her example gave others the
strength to go on. These are the two individuals who I had the HONOR and
PRIVILEGE to share a life on the road these past two months. You are not
just riders now. With completion of this ride, you are now and always will
be Amputees Across America.
Some words of thanks. Our undying gratitude to our Gold Sponsor,
HealthSouth, without whose support there would be no Amputees Across
America, to each HealthSouth rehab facility who welcomed us into their
family and allowed us to watch the daily miracles they perform each and
every day in giving their patients back their lives, to our Silver Sponsors,
Ohio Willow Wood, the maker of our Pathfinders and prosthetic support, to
the Barr Foundation for their support and for their crusade to promote the
Ertl procedure to enrich the lives of amputees, to the Alabama Association
for the Physically Challenged who provided the impetus and support for what
we do every year, and to the numerous companies, associations, and
individuals who dug deep into their pockets to provide us with the means to
continue this outreach. Our gratitude is undying and we hope that the spark
we have nurtured continues to grow with each passing year/



Tony Barr, “Barr Foundation's Tribute of the Week : Ertl Amputees Across America,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 15, 2025,