Barr Foundation Tribute of the Week
Tony Barr
Barr Foundation Tribute of the Week
Tony Barr
News Release -provided and submitted on behalf of Limbs for Freedom and
Rotary Club of Coronado, California and Rotary Club of Ensenada/Calafia in
Baja California
Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico April 29, 2006
Limbs of Freedom, a volunteer organization sponsored by the Rotary Club of
Coronado, California and Rotary Club of Ensenada/Calafia in Baja California,
Mexico held a clinic in Ensenada on April 27-29, 2006. This is the fourth of
ongoing clinics held in the region and coordinated by Limbs for Freedom.
At this clinic, 5 amputees were evaluated and then fitted with lower
extremity limbs, which were fabricated on site and adjusted allowing them to
walk out of the Limbs of Freedom clinic with new prosthetic legs.
Virginia Castro, a 47-year-old lady who earns a living cleaning homes,
underwent a right, below the knee amputation as a result of complications
from diabetes. A friend gave her a poorly fitting prosthesis. The
prosthesis had belonged to the friend's husband, who had died. Juaquin
Sanchez-Rosendiz, a 52-year-old car mechanic, can now earn a better living
with the freedom that his new prosthetic limb has given him. Gloria
Martinez-Fisher, a 45-year-old housewife underwent a recent amputation
because of diabetes and is able to resume her work with a new right lower
limb prosthesis and can earn a living making clothes in a nearby factory.
Jose Aquinaga is a 60-year-old man who has had bilateral lower extremity
amputations from complications of diabetes. He has used makeshift
prostheses that were broken and taped, barely allowing him to function. He
walked from the clinic with two well-fitted lower extremity prostheses,
which allow him to work full-time as a shoe-shiner at a local country club.
It is interesting to note that he was provided a prosthesis initially in
1997 by the Barr Foundation when he was a single b/k. He was the first
amputee helped outside of the USA by the Barr Foundation. The sponsoring
prosthetist was John Zeffer.
Thomas Aguilar, a 43 year old man came from the state of Sonora and traveled
nearly 300 miles to be evaluated at the clinic. He received a right lower
extremity prosthesis and will return to work where he picks tomatoes earning
a weekly salary of $18, working seven days a week.
Herb Barrack of Inline Prostheics and Orthodics of La Mesa, California and
Jeff Rocha of Maverick Fabrication of San Diego led the limb building team.
Geraldo Guzman and Floyd Thompson of Progressive Orthopedics in San Diego
also participated in the event.
Tony Barr and the Barr Foundation of Boca Raton, Florida have been generous
in their financial support as well as their encouragement of this project.
Other donors include Cascade Orthopedic Supply (Chico, California), Otto
Bock (Minneapolis, Minnesota) Ohio Willowwood (Mt. Sterling, Ohio) and
Becker Orthopedics (Michigan.)
The Limbs of Freedom project is very interested in recruiting practitioners
and technicians to help with this clinic. We meet in Ensenada four times
per year. Please contact Herb Barrack (619) 667-7000,
<mailto:<Email Address Redacted>> <Email Address Redacted> , or Bob
Spear (619) 980-6006, <mailto:<Email Address Redacted>> <Email Address Redacted> if you are
interested in being a part of this exciting project.
Each week we send a post and similar salute to a person or Hope Donor whom
has made a great difference in a life.
Such Whole Again stories hopefully will help make your weekend and to
remind you, knowing that most of you whom became professionals and industry
providers, got into this business to help people, that you are accomplishing
allot and are appreciated.
Want to help someone become whole again? Go to our web site and see how.
Have a great week,
Tony Barr
Barr Foundation
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Rotary Club of Coronado, California and Rotary Club of Ensenada/Calafia in
Baja California
Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico April 29, 2006
Limbs of Freedom, a volunteer organization sponsored by the Rotary Club of
Coronado, California and Rotary Club of Ensenada/Calafia in Baja California,
Mexico held a clinic in Ensenada on April 27-29, 2006. This is the fourth of
ongoing clinics held in the region and coordinated by Limbs for Freedom.
At this clinic, 5 amputees were evaluated and then fitted with lower
extremity limbs, which were fabricated on site and adjusted allowing them to
walk out of the Limbs of Freedom clinic with new prosthetic legs.
Virginia Castro, a 47-year-old lady who earns a living cleaning homes,
underwent a right, below the knee amputation as a result of complications
from diabetes. A friend gave her a poorly fitting prosthesis. The
prosthesis had belonged to the friend's husband, who had died. Juaquin
Sanchez-Rosendiz, a 52-year-old car mechanic, can now earn a better living
with the freedom that his new prosthetic limb has given him. Gloria
Martinez-Fisher, a 45-year-old housewife underwent a recent amputation
because of diabetes and is able to resume her work with a new right lower
limb prosthesis and can earn a living making clothes in a nearby factory.
Jose Aquinaga is a 60-year-old man who has had bilateral lower extremity
amputations from complications of diabetes. He has used makeshift
prostheses that were broken and taped, barely allowing him to function. He
walked from the clinic with two well-fitted lower extremity prostheses,
which allow him to work full-time as a shoe-shiner at a local country club.
It is interesting to note that he was provided a prosthesis initially in
1997 by the Barr Foundation when he was a single b/k. He was the first
amputee helped outside of the USA by the Barr Foundation. The sponsoring
prosthetist was John Zeffer.
Thomas Aguilar, a 43 year old man came from the state of Sonora and traveled
nearly 300 miles to be evaluated at the clinic. He received a right lower
extremity prosthesis and will return to work where he picks tomatoes earning
a weekly salary of $18, working seven days a week.
Herb Barrack of Inline Prostheics and Orthodics of La Mesa, California and
Jeff Rocha of Maverick Fabrication of San Diego led the limb building team.
Geraldo Guzman and Floyd Thompson of Progressive Orthopedics in San Diego
also participated in the event.
Tony Barr and the Barr Foundation of Boca Raton, Florida have been generous
in their financial support as well as their encouragement of this project.
Other donors include Cascade Orthopedic Supply (Chico, California), Otto
Bock (Minneapolis, Minnesota) Ohio Willowwood (Mt. Sterling, Ohio) and
Becker Orthopedics (Michigan.)
The Limbs of Freedom project is very interested in recruiting practitioners
and technicians to help with this clinic. We meet in Ensenada four times
per year. Please contact Herb Barrack (619) 667-7000,
<mailto:<Email Address Redacted>> <Email Address Redacted> , or Bob
Spear (619) 980-6006, <mailto:<Email Address Redacted>> <Email Address Redacted> if you are
interested in being a part of this exciting project.
Each week we send a post and similar salute to a person or Hope Donor whom
has made a great difference in a life.
Such Whole Again stories hopefully will help make your weekend and to
remind you, knowing that most of you whom became professionals and industry
providers, got into this business to help people, that you are accomplishing
allot and are appreciated.
Want to help someone become whole again? Go to our web site and see how.
Have a great week,
Tony Barr
Barr Foundation
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Tony Barr, “Barr Foundation Tribute of the Week,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 14, 2025,