Warning to all looking at new software!

Brandy Kopiske



Warning to all looking at new software!


Brandy Kopiske




Dear Collegues,



I want to throw this story out here as warning for all facilities searching for new software. This nightmare is one that I will NEVER forget!!. About 4 months ago we looked into getting a new software for billing and so on and was contacted by a company by the name of Medepresence . He found us through this list serve. The way they presented themselves and their product looked very professional and promising. So we closed the contract and had someone fly out here for half a day install and 1 ½ days of training.

After 3 days of trying to install and no training he finally got it somewhat to run and went home.

The software turned out to be so full of bugs that it was worthless - literally! They even knocked $2500 off the cost of the software as compensation for the problems. Several upgrades later and repeated loss of data we did input we still did not have the product promised - worse, it doesn't support any EDI billing with Medicare although it is an enhancement supposed to be completed in the next few weeks. Not mentioning that it was promised to us as being complete when we signed the original contract. Why would anyone in his or her right mind go from electronic back to paper?

To make a long story short, after my billing was compromised for 3 months and still no stable working software they went in to my computer Tuesday night through a firewall they insisted we had to have, and uninstalled their software and took ALL of my patient files with them. , and in the process erased a few files of Quickbooks losing our precious accounting data as well. We have back up but not to replace everything in the accounting. Then, when we threatened suit if we don't get everything back immediately they went back in and erased a folder in Outlook containing all the correspondence, emails etc. Is this illegal or what?! Thankfully my wife had the presence of mind to keep hardcopies of EVERYTHING important on that Outlook folder. (A file 3 inches thick I might add.)


In the end we bought another software which we should have done to begin with.


If anybody comes across Medepresence: RUN!!! It wreaked havoc in my facility for 3 ½ months, cost nothing but money, sleep and precious time, and a pending lawsuit.


I would love to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience with this company or any other for that matter.


Thanks in advance,


Tom Kopiske, CO

Kopiske Orthopedic Services, Inc.



Brandy Kopiske, “Warning to all looking at new software!,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/226727.