
Fran Jenkins



Fran Jenkins




Custom Fabrication Manager

Campbell, CA

Seeking a senior Orthotic and Prosthetic fabrication technician with
managerial experience.


Responsibilities of the position include but not limited to:

. Interfacing with Practitioners to provide technical support

            . Hands on fabrication

            . Limited travel

            . Supervision of small fabrication team


Qualified person should be able to demonstrate the following skills:

            . Knowledge of clinical orthotics and prosthetics

            . Excellent organizational and communication skills

            . Ability to fabricate to customers specifications

            . Leadership skills


Hosmer Dorrance Corporation and Center for Orthotics Design share the same
facility and they are divisions of Fillauer Companies, Inc. We offer a wide
range of benefits and provide continuing educational and professional fees.
Send resume to:

Fax: 408-376-0315 Email: <Email Address Redacted>












Fran Jenkins, “[Untitled],” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/226725.