ACA Seeking Feedback on Expectations

Meredith Goins



ACA Seeking Feedback on Expectations


Meredith Goins




ACA Seeking Feedback on Expectations


In order to better serve people with limb loss, their families, and
their healthcare teams, the Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) is
surveying parents and professionals for their opinions on the quality of
one of our newest publications, Expectations: Parenting Children and
Teens With Limb Differences.


Published in April 2005, Expectations is a comprehensive resource guide
for parents and caregivers of young amputees that addresses a variety of
topics of interest to parents, including adjustment issues, prosthetics,
funding, peer support, advocacy, insurance reimbursement, technology,
and prevention of secondary conditions. It also includes several useful
resource lists and links to other youth organizations. Expectations is
available as a free download from the ACA Web site at
< <URL Redacted>> .


This survey will take less than five minutes to complete and is
available online at
< <URL Redacted>> . Paper copies of
the survey are also being mailed out to those who have requested
Expectations in the past, and should be returned to the ACA no later
than Friday, April 28, 2006.


Knowing how both families and professionals feel about our work is
important to ACA's mission of empowering people with limb loss through
education, support and advocacy. With your help, the information
gathered from this survey will be used to determine what is considered
interesting or useful and what could be improved to best meet the needs
of parents and professionals in future publications.


The ACA respects your right to privacy; all responses will be
confidential. The results of this survey will be published in the
July/August issue of inMotion and posted on our Web site at < <URL Redacted>> .


If you have any questions regarding this survey, please call Susan
Tipton at 888/AMP-KNOW (267-5669).


Founded in 1986, the Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) is a national
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Knoxville, Tennessee.
The mission of the ACA is to reach out to people with limb loss and to
empower them through education, support and advocacy. Through a
cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), the ACA maintains the National Limb Loss Information
Center (NLLIC), the nation's most comprehensive source of information
for people living with limb differences. For more information, visit < > or call
toll-free 888/AMP-KNOW.


Meredith P. Goins, MS
Marketing/Outreach Coordinator
Amputee Coalition of America
900 East Hill Ave., Ste. 285
Knoxville, TN 37915-2568
(888)AMP-KNOW ext. 8135
Fax: (865) 524-3122
<Email Address Redacted>

Join your friends for the ACA Annual Educational Conference & Exposition
< > , June
15-17, 2006, in Minneapolis, Minnesota!

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Meredith Goins, “ACA Seeking Feedback on Expectations,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,