Re: Qualifications

Brandy Kopiske



Re: Qualifications


Brandy Kopiske





    We too are offended about being referred to as snake oil salesman as in ANY profession whether it be doctors, lawyers and I am sure PT's and OT's there are individuals who lack credibility and scruples in the decisions they make. My husband is German trained in Orthotics and Prosthetics holding a Masters Degree in Engineering plus a 3 year apprenticeship in Orthotics and Prosthetics. Here he is ABC and BOC certified. We have a relatively young practice but work hard to make the right decisions regarding our patients and the care we provide even if is not the most profitable way to do things. In the days of Medicare cuts and insurance contracting making a successful practice in O & P is not easy. I am sure our colleagues have it just as tough. In the state of Missouri our Governor Matt Blunt has signed into law the toughest Medicaid cuts in national history. They offer NO benefits for any type of Orthotics and very little Prosthetics. They pay for no rehab therapies and he has announced it is in the plans to do away with the Medicaid program all together by 2008. It has put tremendous strain on health care providers to find facilities willing to treat these patients especially inpatient emergencies knowing they will not be compensated for these treatments. We have a large PT practice in the suite across the hall from us in our Medical Building, they come over and get us for patients needing orthotics and or prosthetics and we go and get them for our therapy questions. There is room in this industry for everyone and their own specialties. We do not expect our primary care physicians to know all or they would not have invented the need for specialists I am not saying PT's should not be allowed to practice in the field of orthotics and prosthetics, however they should be required to undergo the same certification testing, credentialing, and education that we do. Science classes and 2 weeks of O and P training does not make you a practitoner. It takes years of training and education to perfect your craft. My husband has been doing this for 20 years and still learns every day something new. We all should conquer the tasks we know best and not try to have our hand in everything.

Brandy Kopiske
Vice President / Compliance Officer
Kopiske Orthopedics Inc.
1191 Highway KK
Dogwood Medical Park Suite 101
Osage Beach, MO 65065
(573) 302-4733 FAX (573) 302-4735



Brandy Kopiske, “Re: Qualifications,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 25, 2024,