Re: Microprocessor Knee Assistance Requested

DAW Industries, Inc.



Re: Microprocessor Knee Assistance Requested


DAW Industries, Inc.




Hey Zack...... first it is important that you realize the purpose of this
list serve is for the dissemination of accurate information to aid
professional practitioners in treating their patients. You at this point
have not put any information on this list serve that is accurate. The
practitioners are also able to access information on our website that the
general population does not have access to. Since your original posting, I
have received many e-mails wondering why a student would be so negative and
have so much inaccurate information about anything. They wonder if you are
not a competitor just trying to stir up controversy due to the increasing
number of SLKs being used everyday.

Your statement about talking to me is even more interesting, I receive
requests all the time to discuss our products with utilizing practitioners
and have never turned anyone down. I invited you to contact me personally,
but you did not. I am always available, but you choose to attack DAW on the
list serve again.

The most interesting thing that you have written is that you are now a
computer science major. A computer science major would surely notice the
difference between an IC and a microcontroller and surely with little
trouble be able to identify the microcontroller on the internet. And I am
sure that you realize that only DAW is using a microcontroller that not only
contains a CPU microprocessor, but battery monitoring and RAM and PROM
circuitry as well. Since the other manufacturers have so willing given you
their proprietary information on their CPUs, you would instantly realize
that the microcontroller we use must be the most advanced, since it is the
only one being used. And I am sure that you already know that a
microcontroller came well after the CPUs being used in other knee units.

So, for the record, the SLK has a Microprocessor contained in a
Microcontroller. DAW is making this statement officially and anyone
attempting to suggest this is not true (even on the internet) is being
libelous and does DAW irreparable damage and is exposing himself/herself to
a libelous lawsuit. DAW is the official representative of Teh Lin in the
USA. The only place to get accurate information in English concerning Teh
Lin product is from the DAW website. Teh Lin is a Chinese manufacturer whose
English is frequently not accurate.

Zack, you state that you are in Southern California. Our Headquarters is in
San Diego. Contact me and let's arrange a meeting, either at my office or in
Orange County. I am sure that with your computer background, you will very
quickly understand the capabilities and design of the SLK offers the best
quality in amputee gait.



DAW Industries, Inc., “Re: Microprocessor Knee Assistance Requested,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 24, 2024,