Request for Prosthetist in Argentnia

Tony Barr



Request for Prosthetist in Argentnia


Tony Barr




The Barr Foundation has received a request to assist a younk b/k amputee
located in Argentina.
The Hospital in the city of PILAR, a sub-urban area 55 kms north from Buenos
Aires city.
It's name is Hospital Sanguinetti.

If you are or know of a qualified prosthetist in this area of Argentina , I
would like the contact name,e-mail or telephone # so I may research the
possibility of our organization working unilatterally to have him evaluated
and possibly assist him.We are working wit a volunteer in the hospitall that
can make the necessary arrangements for an evaluation.

Thank you,
Tony Barr
Barr Foundation

----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Barr < <Email Address Redacted> >
To: 'su dellepiane' < <Email Address Redacted> >
Cc: Alfredo Ghirardi < <Email Address Redacted> >
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 15:10
Subject: RE: S.O.S !

> Susana,
> Reply with info on what city the hospital is located and what large cities
> are nearby.
> I will attempt to find a qualified prosthetsit to contact you and try to
> work on providing components.
> CC above is a below knee amputee Alfredo Ghirardi in Argentia we helped
> when he traveld to the USA some time ago .
> Contact him as well.He maybe of some assistance as well.
> Tony Barr
> Barr Foundation
> -----Original Message-----
> From: su dellepiane [mailto:<Email Address Redacted>]
> Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 1:13 PM
> To: <Email Address Redacted>
> Subject: S.O.S !
> Hello, I'm writing you from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
> I'm a volunteer at a very horrible free hospital here, where the hospital
> lacks about everything, least of all any kind of help for amputees...
> (Here the payed hospitals are called Sanatorios and they are very good and
> quite expensive as in the US.
> But Hospitals are meant for the poor, for those that don't pay a cent so
> goverment never reaches its real necessities. Nontheless prostheses are
> considered in this equation...).
> At the hospital where I work, I have met a young man of 23, married with a
> little kid of his own, who was pushed under the wheels of the train
> both his limbs and his left arm.
> His spirit is quite possitive for the time being, eventhough his whole
> family live on wellfare, and in order to make ends meet, the mother
> boxes in the streets.
> I would really like to make him walk, but he will need two legs and an arm
> in order to have some balance and be able to rehab.
> In Argentina getting donations is a real hard task. Our economy has been
> depleted and we volunteers do as much as we can to help our sick and
> disabled people to be comfortable... but that is not enough.
> I would be very happy to have protheses that are not new!!!
> I'm doing as much as possible to get donations, but they don't arrive...
> As an example, a complete leg here costs $ 2.200= PESOS, that is the
> equivalent of $ 800= those people will never have an
> opportunity to get them!
> If you consider that we can have some help from you, I will very gladly
> submit to you a follow through of the advances of theses patients.
> Also I would like to establish a school of prosthesis so that the same
> amputees may construct their own limbs!
> Do you think this is possible?
> Thank you for all the help you have been giving throughout the world and
> the opportunity to contact you.
> God bless you all!!!
> Susana Dellepiane.
> _________________________________________________________________
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> <URL Redacted>



Tony Barr, “Request for Prosthetist in Argentnia,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 25, 2025,