Another Nail in the coffin

Saunders, Jan CPO



Another Nail in the coffin


Saunders, Jan CPO


In response to the newest Medicare update released date January 21, 2005 as
noted by A Doshi CPO, I take my CPO/LPO hat off to the national organizations
, who are supposed to be protecting our industry, lobbying our behalf,
motivating us, and watching out for our best interest for doing such a great
job....... just kidding!
Maybe it I will try to get some different hats , which would make me a
qualified provider or exempt from licensure , such as a pharmacist or employee of
a pharmacy. The girl who rings the cash register is exempt as long as she is
an employee of the pharmacy. She is able to fit prosthetics and orthotics.
After this new update released physical therapists , with no specialty
training for prosthetics orthotics can legally and be reimbursed to fit a hip
disarticulation, apply a halo, or do a fracture brace(talk about protecting the
public, what I joke)

When will we learn..... Will we ever learn, keep sending your dollars to
national advocates as they need this money to help you... or at least that's
what they tell me.

Jan Saunders



Saunders, Jan CPO, “Another Nail in the coffin,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed January 1, 2025,