Ventilation Systems responses and our solution

Thomas M. Wilson



Ventilation Systems responses and our solution


Thomas M. Wilson




Thank you all for the responses! Below is a list of all the replies plus a
few I missed. The first response listed below seems to be the best idea. :)
We have ordered a Kleenaire system from Tony Jackovitch at Orthotic and
Prosthetic Components. Their phone number is 800-784-3948. We have been
using it for about a week or so. It is a little larger than we expected 32
tall 22 wide and 9 deep, but it fits nicely on a wall in the lab area. We
were surprised at how noisy the thing is when you put it on high, but the
low setting seems to work just fine most of the time and is not excessively
loud.. We are impressed on how much dust and odor it really takes out of
our office. For the price, it is an excellent filter.

The original question was:
We are looking for an air filtration or venting system for the fumes from
our adhesives and laminations.

What are you using and are you satisfied with your system? How often do you
need to change the filter? What did your system cost and how much are the

We would appreciate any insight and recommendations.

I jes do all 'a mah work out under the ol' persimmon tree. The ventilation
is real good out there in the shade. I hadn't smelt no fumes fer a long time
Ernest T. Bass

Just a note.....Remember gases are heavy and sink to the floor so your
suction should be down low and not overhead.
Ken Heide, CPO
Ventilation hoods and the associated duct work, fans, air-handlers carbon
filters and pre & post filter sets are of necessity custom designed to match
the room. Depending on your particular need. Any of the bench top or small
extractors shown in O&P catalogs are worthless. A good exhaust system is
capable of removing a large amount of your conditioned air as well as the
fumes. It is necessary to supply make-up air. Any part of the air that is
not exhausted directly outside, say 75%exhaust/25%return can be recycled to
cut energy costs. The returned air should be pre-filtered then passed
through a good carbon filter then post filtered before it passes through
your air-handler and is returned to you working area. A good commercial HVAC
contractor can supply you with a system designed to match your work place.
As for cost don't cut corners. Your health and employees health can
ultimately cost you far more.
I do have extensive experience in this field. You may call me if you would
like to discuss more detailed information.
713 791-1414 ext. 5062
RS Marchisio RTP

We use a Niederman carbon bed fume extractor. We have built in units for
our laminations and a portable unit that rolls around to the work bench when
needed. Filters last 6 to 12 months. Great system. David A. Yates, CPO,

You should look online for a company called Nederman. They manufacture
several evac systems. The one system i'm thinking of has two arms, per
unit, that are bendable with a light inside the vent's mouth for grinding,
and the filter drum is on a tumble system that shakes the dust into a can
that can be emptied periodically with ease. These are obviously pricey but
well worth the money if you have the means.


My name is Eric Fregger & I am with Otto Bock.

We have an excellent system to offer you and I would like to discuss
this with you at a convenient time.

I may be reached via voicemail @ 800-328-4058, ext
5316.................or my direct-line @ 727-842-8661.

I look forward to the opportunity to assist you.

Best regards,



These are the most powerful charcoal ventilating systems in the market.
They are available in a wide rang of sizes from table top to custom built.

Charcoal extraction with a pre-filter is the only way to go. If you are
interested please contact me for a complete catalog.

Matt Doering
Integrity Medical
Tony Jackovitch has a great self contained unit, that includes a large
carbon filter. We just bought one for a satellite office. Ron should be able
to get in touch with him to find out more.
Eddie White, CP
Beacon Prosthetics and Orthotics
3911 New Bern Ave.
Raleigh NC 27610
from the one who got cancer
contact the makers of the barge cement & ask the proper way to vent
the real bad agent is Benzene
stay away from it

Mr. Thomas, I can put you in touch with an Industrial Hygienist so you
can get the factual information you need. What I would give you would be
only on the maintenance side and not the design side. Would you be
interested in contacting the company?

Joe Alexander
Director of Engineering / Grounds
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
2222 Welborn Street
Dallas, Texas 75219
Office 214-559-7415
Fax 214-559-7416
E-mail: <Email Address Redacted>

I'm interested in the responses you get (would you
mind forwarding or posting?). We're researching the
same type of solution. We've found some products in
the MSC catalog ( They use an activated
charcoal to remove the fumes prices range from $1 - 3K.

Michael Astilla
Bio-Tech Prosthetics and Orthotics of Durham, Inc.
400A Crutchfield Street
Durham, NC 27704
P: 919.471.4994
F: 919.471.4995

Thanks again for your replies.

Tom Wilson, C.Ped, CO

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Thomas M. Wilson, “Ventilation Systems responses and our solution,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 15, 2025,