Tips on Medicare Prescriptions and Delivery Slips
Tips on Medicare Prescriptions and Delivery Slips
What must a prescription include to receive payment for a DMEPOS item?
Who can write a prescription? When you deliver an orthotic or
prosthetic device to a patient, how long should you maintain delivery
documentation in your files?
Find out the answers to these key Medicare billing questions and more at
the all-new AOPA telephone audio seminar, Nov. 9, conducted via
telephone from 1:00 -2:00 p.m. Eastern time. The seminar will cover
everything you need to know about Medicare prescriptions and delivery
slips. Facilities can include an unlimited number of participants on
the call for one low price.
Future AOPA telephone audio seminars:
Nov. 30: Hospital and skilled nursing facility billing; and
Dec. 15: Medicare as a secondary payor and how to handle billing for
refused/returned devices.
Register today! Visit, or contact Christopher Vinson at
<Email Address Redacted> or
(571) 431-0876, ext. 235.
Who can write a prescription? When you deliver an orthotic or
prosthetic device to a patient, how long should you maintain delivery
documentation in your files?
Find out the answers to these key Medicare billing questions and more at
the all-new AOPA telephone audio seminar, Nov. 9, conducted via
telephone from 1:00 -2:00 p.m. Eastern time. The seminar will cover
everything you need to know about Medicare prescriptions and delivery
slips. Facilities can include an unlimited number of participants on
the call for one low price.
Future AOPA telephone audio seminars:
Nov. 30: Hospital and skilled nursing facility billing; and
Dec. 15: Medicare as a secondary payor and how to handle billing for
refused/returned devices.
Register today! Visit, or contact Christopher Vinson at
<Email Address Redacted> or
(571) 431-0876, ext. 235.
AOPA, “Tips on Medicare Prescriptions and Delivery Slips,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 17, 2025,