Jeffrey S. Reznick





Jeffrey S. Reznick




The Orthotic and Prosthetic Assistance Fund (OPAF) offers the following
information from the Community Academy Public Charter School of
Washington, DC as public service announcement (PSA), in fulfillment of
OPAF's official representation of O&P in community and philanthropic
circles. OPAF aims primarily to enable individuals with physical
disabilities - especially those served by members of the orthotics and
prosthetics (O&P) community - to enjoy the rewards of personal
interaction, physical fitness, and social interaction. Complete
information about OPAF is available at <URL Redacted>.

This information will be of particular interest to members of the O&P
community who reside in the greater Washington, DC-area and are engaged
in promoting greater public awareness of O&P through conversations with
and O&P-related demonstrations for school children, their
parents/guardians, and educators.


Community Academy Public Charter School
Wellness Initiative
Health and Wellness Fair
May 1, 2004

At Community Academy Public Charter School (CAPCS) we focus on the whole
child in our efforts to help our students develop the skills to become
capable and caring members of their communities. We recognize that the
health and wellness of our children and their families has a direct
impact on children's ability to learn. Too many families in Washington,
DC, are going without basic health and social services that could make a
huge difference in their lives. CAPCS has launched a Wellness
Initiative to address the needs of our school family and community. This
multi-faceted Initiative is being conducted under the guidance of CAPCS
Community Leader, Ms. Carolyn Graham and Wellness Director and
pediatrician, Dr. Mark Minier. It includes programs that provide
education, access and direct services.

On May 1st, CAPCS is sponsoring a Health and Wellness Fair and we would
like your organization to be part of it. Like most health fairs, we
will provide information and education about health- related conditions,
including mental health issues; offer screening services; and showcase
the range of social services available to fair goers. Our broad view of
wellness will include information on the importance of relaxation,
stress management and physical activity, which help round out a
healthy person. Most of all, it's designed to be a fun event for
everyone. Your participation is vital to our success. Please note that
if you, or a representative, are unable to make the event but would like
to send free samples of items such as food, promotional items, brochures
etc, we would be happy to display them in your absence.

CAPCS currently serves 615 children and their families who live in all
Wards of the District. While our primary focus is on the communities
served by our two campuses, this event is open to all District
residents. We plan to market and advertise this event citywide and we
will welcome all who come to this much-needed event.

Event Logistics

Date: Saturday, May 1st, 2004
Rain or Shine!
Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
(Participants should arrive at 9 a.m.)
Location: CAPCS Amos 1 Campus
1300 Allison Street, NW
Washington, DC 20011

What we will provide

Table and chairs for participants
Electrical services (***limited as many tables will be outside***)

What you need to provide

Educational handouts (bilingual, Spanish, if possible)
Free samples of items as applicable
Qualified participants to answer questions and greet families Screening
opportunities for children and/or adults

Your participation will help make this event a huge success. Underserved
families in the D.C. Metro Area will have access to the health and
medical information and screening services they need. They'll gain a
broader view of health and wellness in an environment that is safe,
nonthreatening and fun!

Please complete the attached information sheet below if you would like
to participate.

If you have questions about the event or your participation in this
event, please do not hesitate to contact us. Dr. Mark Minier, CAPCS
Wellness Director, will be happy to answer your questions and address
your concerns. He can be reached at 202.723.4100, ext 212 or
<Email Address Redacted>


Community Academy Public Charter School
Wellness Initiative
Health and Wellness Fair
May 1, 2004

Goals of Health and Wellness Fair:

* Provide information so that children and families learn about health
and adopt healthy behaviors
* Offer access to screening services for various health related
conditions and diseases
* Inform families about social and medical support systems that are
available to them within the D.C. Metro area
* Educate about prevention and healthy lifestyles
* Increase community involvement in promoting health related activities
* Create an environment that is supportive, exciting and fun
* Identify CAPCS as a community-site that values wellness and is working
to create programs to support its students, families and community
* Identify CAPCS as a clearinghouse for community resources
* Involve CAPCS students, families and staff to support health and

Target Audience:

This event will be marketed to children, adolescents and adults of all
ages from all regions of the District of Columbia. However, special
emphasis will be placed on the areas immediately adjacent to Community
Academy and to CAPCS children and families.


Spanish speaking families are a growing population in the CAPCS
community and therefore, all attempts will be made to have materials and
education available in Spanish.

Community Academy Public Charter School
1300 Allison Street, NW
Washington, DC 20011
Phone 202.723.4100
Fax 202.723.6867


Community Academy Public Charter School
Wellness Initiative
Health and Wellness Fair
May 1, 2004

Participant Response Form
Complete and Return By Friday, April 2nd, 2004!
Fax to Dr. Minier at 202.723.6867 or mail to address below!


Contact Person





In order to plan effectively and advertise, we would like to know what
you will be able to provide at the Health and Wellness Fair. Please
fill in the areas below and check all that apply:

Number of Participants you will bring
Will you need electrical services (Limited!)?
Yes No
Do you have special facility needs?
Yes No
If yes, please explain

We are able to provide
___ Education/Informational Handouts
___ Demonstrations
___ Screening Services:

Please Describe

___ Free samples of food or other product

Can CAPCS use your organization's name and logo on publicity items? Yes
No If yes, please email the logo to <Email Address Redacted> by Friday,
April 2nd, 2004.

Community Academy Public Charter School
1300 Allison Street, NW
Washington, DC 20011
Phone 202.723.4100
Fax 202.723.6867



Jeffrey S. Reznick, “OPAF PSA: HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIR,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 6, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/222953.