New C-Leg wearer

nathan keepers



New C-Leg wearer


nathan keepers





We have a patient that has been wearing a Century XXII total knee until we
recently fit him with a C-leg. He likes many of the features, but feels
like there is a lot of terminal swing impact to him. In observing gait it
doesn't appear that way to us. We have discussed with Otto Bock at length
and made numerous adjustments to setting and alignments to no avail. We can
turn the extension dampening feature all the way up on its setting and he
feels little difference. We have sent the knee in for testing, came back
with clean bill of health and still had same issue. Another new knee was
tried and same problem. In his prior prosthesis, which he received
elswhere, his socket was flexed significantly, with no hip flexor tightness.
  I believe that this may be part of the difference, that the extension
dampening on the old knee is slowing the knee in a more flexed position
earlier due to the alignment. Also, it may appear that the extension
dampening in the Cent 22 acts over a longer ROM arc than the C-Leg, and less
resistance overall (which I believe is one of the benefits of the C-Leg)
With the old knee, he is stable because it has a mechanical stance phase
lock even with the weight line more posterior than we'd like. There is no
adjustment available above the knee unit to straighten this alignment to see
if he would feel the same terminal swing.

That said, do you have any patients that you have tried the C-Leg on that
were previous Cent 22 wearers, did they have any of these issues? Other SNS

Another question, What are your experiences with the Adaptive knee from
Endolite? Is it at all comparable to C-Leg? The patient is Young and
active, and does very well with previous knee, but likes the stair/slope
stability that the C-Leg offers.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Nathan Keepers, CPO

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nathan keepers, “New C-Leg wearer,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 4, 2025,