Re: unification--specifically in support of the FL program

Tom Gorski, CAE



Re: unification--specifically in support of the FL program


Tom Gorski, CAE




I want to elaborate a little on what Robert Rhodes posted regarding support for the other O&P programs. The Academy congratulates Eastern Michigan University on its first class that has begun. It has supported the development of the new O&P program at EMU, as well as the programs developed at GA Tech, the St Petersburg College in Florida, and the other O&P programs. For each, the support requested has been different.

For some, the request was simply recognition of the validity of the program and the need for O&P studies. For others, the Academy has donated publications, provided visiting practitioners to lecture, or letters to targeted legislative leaders. It has also worked through its Washington lobbying firm to have Rehabilitation Service Administration funding reinstated at the $1 million level through legislation. This is not an easy task, even though O&P is recognized as an allied health specialty with critical manpower shortages. The Academy was able to secure report language to the RSA Appropriations Bill that urged RSA to fund no fewer than four university O&P programs at $250,000 each. To everyone's astonishment, this report language was ignored, essentially disregarding congressional intent.

As part of our Project Quantum Leap activities we will be contracting with NCOPE-accredited O&P schools to develop three online continuing education courses based on the best practices identified in the Clinical Standards of Practice conferences.

The Academy recently expressed its full support of Eastern Michigan Univ's efforts to develop a Standards Institute for evaluating design efficacy and patient functionality, which may ultimately lead to a redesign of various orthoses and prostheses.

During the Annual Meeting in New Orleans, a few of the Academy's leaders were able to have an informal conversation with leaders from NCOPE and NAPOE. As we spoke, it was abundantly clear that we all shared very similar ideas on the need for a review of the state of primary O&P education. We agreed that the Academy and NCOPE (and by extension, NAPOE) would convene a joint task force to better define ways in which our respective organizations can work toward common goals for our NCOPE-accredited education programs.

The Academy is also committed to supporting the O&P schools through efforts such as the career awareness program that is central to Project Quantum Leap.

Tom Gorski, CAE
Executive Director
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Rhodes [mailto:<Email Address Redacted>]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:35 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: Re: [OANDP-L] unification--specifically in support of the

Jim, Anne, et al,
I too am excited about all the new schools in O&P. I would however, ask
that you not forget about our new program at Eastern Michigan
University. We began our first class this last fall. Our program is
unique in that it is designed for working students. All of our classes
are offered in the evenings or Saturdays. Obviously, each school will
have an attraction for a different student population. Our program
offers full college credit and is only taught by instructors with
Master's degrees or higher.
Dr. Douglas Briggs, the program director, began working on this program
over a decade ago. His dedication and tenacity is what has ultimately
made this program a reality.
So, even though there is in-fighting-and I guess out-fighting-as well,
there are many in O&P who have maintained and advanced the standards of
the profession in spite of what has been going on politically.
All the best to everyone, and please check out our web site
<URL Redacted>

\@() Robert L. Rhodes, C.O.
Chair, Education Committee
University of Michigan O&P Center

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 Thank You.

>>> Jim Rogers, CPO < <Email Address Redacted> > 17 March 2004 12:40:14

Well said Anne. The Florida school, St. Petersburg College, is one of
the most impressive institutions to come about excited about P&O
education in a long time. They have a fantastic distance learning
infrastructure already in place, and they are committed to this process
for the betterment of our profession. If we recall the banter several
months ago before the recent controversy, many folks spoke of the
sacrifice necessary to successfully complete the education/experience
pathway to certification. Well... here is the solution. Jump on the
train before it leaves the station without you.

Let's not focus on the ulterior motives of those that support the
program. Let's celebrate that someone stepped up to the plate and
donated money to see this become a reality. The Academy, Hanger you and
I, whoever, all should be behind this effort. Donations large or small,
will not taint the program's integrity.

We have a lot to do in a short span of time. Right now we need to spend
less time talking and more time acting.
My $.02 worth.

Jim Rogers, CPO, FAAOP
Reply from Jim Rogers, CPO, FAAOP
> The new school in Florida is not just ABC. It is NCOPE. It is a way
> attract future practitioners for our field. This Univ has distance
> programs and will use these models to create the P&O program. For
all the
> people on the list serve who have said that they were unable to leave
> career to receive a quality education-- this is the way of the
future. Our
> BS NCOPE programs are struggling to fill their slots with qualified
> students. How many people in this field have been raised in a mom &
pop PO
> business and have the desire to continue in the field but real life
makes it
> difficult to achieve their goal at the highest level. I am have
> (along with the entire list serve) countless stories of the
sacrifices all
> of us ABC practitioners have made to attend a program, complete a
> and then pass the exam. I think the exam was harder 10 years ago
than it is
> that my sob story. No way. I am a 36 year old female in

> field I would like to see it continue, my future and hopefully the
future of
> one of my sons is tied to this profession. I was blessed enough to
live in
> a state where I could attend a P&O program with in-state tuition, I
did not
> even have to change towns, just had a long commute. There is no
> that young practitioners are located around our P&O programs, the
ones that
> are not home grown O&P are students who were looking for an exciting
> and happened to live near a program.
> We need new programs like the FL program. I will send my financial
> We also need more programs like the GA Masters level program. The
> program is creating research oriented O&P practitioners so we can
begin to
> fill our own journals with articles written by Orthotist and
> rather than PTs. Lets build the practitioner of tomorrow and maybe
> will help teach us all a few things.
> Anne Pare', CO, LO
> UT Southwestern Grad '93
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: R. Pepka < <Email Address Redacted> >

> To: < <Email Address Redacted> >
> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:22 PM
> Subject: [OANDP-L] unification
> > Luckily I had not yet made my donation to the new ABC P&O school
> Florida,
> > when all this hit the fan. When ABC gave away my credential I had
> rethink
> > my support for them, and the pathway they told me was so necessary.
> of a
> > sudden it not only isn't necessary, you can save time and money and
> the
> > $75 special. The school in California is housed by Ossur, the
program at
> > Newington is ran by Hanger, and after some research, the current
> for the
> > new P&O program in Florida, (almost 3/4 of it anyway) donated by,
> who,
> > Hanger! Is ABC becoming a corporate entity or just really bad at
> promoting and
> > supporting our professsion.
> >
> > If you read the ABC website you may find it interesting, not only
does ABC
> > only charge $75 for my credential, they will also waive annual fees
> 2004,

> > and not only do you not have to take a test, they waive that fee
> Funny
> > they didn't offer to waive my fee for 2004 or my facility fee for
> did they
> > waive yours? The people who have supported them? Why would that
> > I believe it is very clear that ABC has failed as a leader in the
> I
> > believe unification is needed for our profession and the only way
> achieve
> > that is with another entity. Ron Gingras was right on when he
called on
> the
> > Academy to step up and be that next unifying body. Time to quit
> and
> > start doing. We need to put together a meeting for a viable
> >
> > Paul Weott abcdefghijklmn qrstuvwxyz
> >
> >


Tom Gorski, CAE, “Re: unification--specifically in support of the FL program,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed February 28, 2025,