Re: unification
Bob Brown
Re: unification
Bob Brown
The school in California is housed by Ossur, the program at
Newington is ran by Hanger, and after some research, the current funding for
new P&O program in Florida, (almost 3/4 of it anyway) donated by, guess
who, Hanger!
What would one expect? Hanger is a large organization committed to the
future of O&P (as is Ossur), whether for the good of Hanger's practitioners
or the growth and survival of its business. These are good things.
What independents need to do is unite in a formal organization committed to:
negotiating annual fees and seminar registration costs for its members,
supporting legislation, education, research and the integrity of the future
of O&P.
Sound familiar - it's called the American Academy of Orthotists &
Prosthetists (AAOP - The Academy)! Dues held in check now for 10 years (I
believe), discounts on seminar registration costs for its members,
supporting legislation, education and research and the integrity of O&P
through the PQL (Project Quantum Leap).
Don't just join The Academy and don't just complain about recent events -
get involved - our future depends upon YOU!
Just as Licensure has secured the future quality of care for O&P patients,
in a number of states, unification can & will do the same on a larger scale.
There will be difficult times ahead but we will weather them together better
than apart, united instead of embroiled in inter-professional head butting
instead and working in unison to achieve that which we all know needs to
My two cents worth!
Bob Brown, Sr., CPO, FAAOP
-----Original Message-----
From: Orthotics and Prosthetics List [mailto:<Email Address Redacted>]On Behalf
Of R. Pepka
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:22 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: [OANDP-L] unification
Luckily I had not yet made my donation to the new ABC P&O school in
when all this hit the fan. When ABC gave away my credential I had to
my support for them, and the pathway they told me was so necessary. All of
sudden it not only isn't necessary, you can save time and money and get the
$75 special. The school in California is housed by Ossur, the program at
Newington is ran by Hanger, and after some research, the current funding for
new P&O program in Florida, (almost 3/4 of it anyway) donated by, guess
Hanger! Is ABC becoming a corporate entity or just really bad at promoting
supporting our professsion.
If you read the ABC website you may find it interesting, not only does ABC
only charge $75 for my credential, they will also waive annual fees for
and not only do you not have to take a test, they waive that fee too! Funny
they didn't offer to waive my fee for 2004 or my facility fee for 2004, did
waive yours? The people who have supported them? Why would that be....
I believe it is very clear that ABC has failed as a leader in the field, I
believe unification is needed for our profession and the only way to achieve
that is with another entity. Ron Gingras was right on when he called on the
Academy to step up and be that next unifying body. Time to quit talking and
start doing. We need to put together a meeting for a viable solution.
Paul Weott abcdefghijklmn qrstuvwxyz
Newington is ran by Hanger, and after some research, the current funding for
new P&O program in Florida, (almost 3/4 of it anyway) donated by, guess
who, Hanger!
What would one expect? Hanger is a large organization committed to the
future of O&P (as is Ossur), whether for the good of Hanger's practitioners
or the growth and survival of its business. These are good things.
What independents need to do is unite in a formal organization committed to:
negotiating annual fees and seminar registration costs for its members,
supporting legislation, education, research and the integrity of the future
of O&P.
Sound familiar - it's called the American Academy of Orthotists &
Prosthetists (AAOP - The Academy)! Dues held in check now for 10 years (I
believe), discounts on seminar registration costs for its members,
supporting legislation, education and research and the integrity of O&P
through the PQL (Project Quantum Leap).
Don't just join The Academy and don't just complain about recent events -
get involved - our future depends upon YOU!
Just as Licensure has secured the future quality of care for O&P patients,
in a number of states, unification can & will do the same on a larger scale.
There will be difficult times ahead but we will weather them together better
than apart, united instead of embroiled in inter-professional head butting
instead and working in unison to achieve that which we all know needs to
My two cents worth!
Bob Brown, Sr., CPO, FAAOP
-----Original Message-----
From: Orthotics and Prosthetics List [mailto:<Email Address Redacted>]On Behalf
Of R. Pepka
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:22 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: [OANDP-L] unification
Luckily I had not yet made my donation to the new ABC P&O school in
when all this hit the fan. When ABC gave away my credential I had to
my support for them, and the pathway they told me was so necessary. All of
sudden it not only isn't necessary, you can save time and money and get the
$75 special. The school in California is housed by Ossur, the program at
Newington is ran by Hanger, and after some research, the current funding for
new P&O program in Florida, (almost 3/4 of it anyway) donated by, guess
Hanger! Is ABC becoming a corporate entity or just really bad at promoting
supporting our professsion.
If you read the ABC website you may find it interesting, not only does ABC
only charge $75 for my credential, they will also waive annual fees for
and not only do you not have to take a test, they waive that fee too! Funny
they didn't offer to waive my fee for 2004 or my facility fee for 2004, did
waive yours? The people who have supported them? Why would that be....
I believe it is very clear that ABC has failed as a leader in the field, I
believe unification is needed for our profession and the only way to achieve
that is with another entity. Ron Gingras was right on when he called on the
Academy to step up and be that next unifying body. Time to quit talking and
start doing. We need to put together a meeting for a viable solution.
Paul Weott abcdefghijklmn qrstuvwxyz
Bob Brown, “Re: unification,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 1, 2025,