ABC-BOC: $10K down the toilet

Troy Fink, CO



ABC-BOC: $10K down the toilet


Troy Fink, CO


I could have easily extended my credential to include prosthetics by way of
BOC. But no, I waited until I could afford to get into an NCOPE program so that
I would have a real credential.

So now I have plunked down $10K and am half way through the Newington
Prosthetic Program (at least I'm in the Distance Learning Program--didn't have to
quit my job, sell my house and yank the kid out of school to move to
Connecticut)! And for what?

To ABC: do you really think the END will justify the MEANS?

Truly disappointed,

Troy Fink c.o.



Troy Fink, CO, “ABC-BOC: $10K down the toilet,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,