Re: ABC joke

Bob Brown



Re: ABC joke


Bob Brown




Just some food for thought!

About 10 years ago the ABC absorbed the NYBCO into its ranks and the ABC
practitioners (especially in New York) went wild with just about every level
of anger one can imagine (myself included). Well, almost all those
unqualified individuals have disappeared and those who are still with us are
meeting the PCE requirements and adhering to the ABC standards.

Bob Brown, Sr., CPO, FAAOP

-----Original Message-----
From: Orthotics and Prosthetics List [mailto:<Email Address Redacted>]On Behalf
Of Joe Young, CPO
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 5:12 PM
To: <Email Address Redacted>
Subject: [OANDP-L] ABC joke

Here is a little joke to lighten everyones mood:

What do you get when you earn a high school diploma, work for a while,
pass a test, can run a vidio camera,and pay $75.00?

Answer: ABC CPO, CP, or CO your choice!

What do you get when you earn a B.A. or B.S., spend two years in oandp
classes, two years in a residency program, pay out big bucks for
certification tests, and repay big school loans.

Answer: One big SUCKER!!!!!!!!

Ok it will take more than this to make me smile today.

I will never be ashamed of my education or my work, but I am very ashamed
of the ABC. If this free ride goes though ABC will be off my business
cards next time they are printed.

Thanks ABC for the sell out.

Joe Young, CPO

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Bob Brown, “Re: ABC joke,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 12, 2025,