"Idealism vs Realism"

Miki Fairley



"Idealism vs Realism"


Miki Fairley




Hello, everyone. The O&P EDGE is planning an article on Idealism vs.
Realism and you are invited to participate. Comments from O&P
professionals, physical/occupational therapists, physicians, and other
healthcare professionals are welcome.

Do you feel as idealistic and motivated now as when you first entered
the healthcare field? Why or why not?

If you still are strongly motivated by a desire to help people or other
altruistic goals, what helps you to stay focused despite the
reimbursement environment and other factors that can be considered
negative? How long have you been in the healthcare field?

What advice would you have for those newly entering healthcare?

What do you consider to be positive and negative factors in healthcare
at this time?

Please include in your reply whether you may be quoted, and if so, if
you can be quoted by name or prefer to be quoted anonymously. Please
reply to Judith Otto (writer) at <Email Address Redacted>

Thanks for your input.


Miki Fairley


The O&P Edge

Western Media LLC

Phone: 970.731.2897; fax: 970.731.9366



Miki Fairley, “"Idealism vs Realism",” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 18, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/222530.