OPAF 2nd annual open house a success
OPAF (O&P Assistance Fund)
OPAF 2nd annual open house a success
OPAF (O&P Assistance Fund)
December 15, 2003
Contact: Julie Besaha
(202) 223-2878
Washington, DC - The second annual open house of the Orthotic and
Prosthetic Assistance Fund (OPAF) was a great success.
Guests included OPAF president Don E. Hardin, past president Joel
Kempfer, CP, FAAOP, vice president Michael Burton, and treasurer Jinsook
Han, as well as two of the organizations newest directors Jennifer
Fayter and Jim Lagerstrom and OPAF's. OPAF also welcomed many friends
and representatives from several nonprofit and for-profit organizations
in the greater Washington, DC area. Thanks to everyone, and especially
to members of the OPAF board of directors, for their participation in
this event and for their continued support of OPAF's mission to enable
individuals with physical disabilities - especially those served by
members of the orthotics and prosthetics community - to enjoy the
rewards of personal achievement, physical fitness, and social
OPAF is tremendously grateful to O&P Business News for their generous
sponsorship of this event. Thank you!
A table at the open house displayed literature of the O&P community,
including ABC and NCOPE resources and copies of the Academy's brochure
about O&P careers, which directs individuals to the O&P Careers web
site: www.opcareers.org developed by the Joint Committee on O&P
Thanks also to all raffle and silent auction item donors, whose support
enabled OPAF to raise nearly $650.00 for program development in the new
Austin Grill
Baltimore Orioles
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
Blockbuster Inc.
William Bruno, J.D., of
American Express Financial Advisors
Hart Hotels Inc.
The Melting Pot
Brad Meltzer
St. Gregory Luxury Hotel and
Suites of Washington, DC
Wyndham City Center Hotel
Public thanks are also due to OPAF's DC-area volunteers Allison Kletter
and Debbie Kimmelman for their support of the raffle, silent auction,
and all the day's activities and to OPAF interns Naoya Akabane, Natalie
Kuntz, Hong Tu Vo, who under the able guidance of OPAF Program
Coordinator Julie Besaha, organized the day so successfully. Be sure to
read more about OPAF's fantastic interns in this month's issue of the
O&P Almanac, the award-winning monthly magazine for the orthotics and
prosthetics industry.
OPAF looks forward to its third annual open house and to the continued
success of its direct-service programs in the new year.
OPAF is a 501(c)(3) public charity, the official philanthropy of the
U.S. orthotics and prosthetics community, established in 1995 by the
Orthotic and Prosthetic National Office. Dedicated initially to
providing financial and in-kind support to the 1996 Paralympics, OPAF
now generates its own initiatives through partnerships with individuals,
organizations and institutions engaged in raising public awareness of
disability and improving the quality of rehabilitation medicine, science
and technology.
As a community-focused nonprofit organization, OPAF aims primarily to
enable individuals with physical disabilities-especially those served by
members of the orthotics and prosthetics community-to enjoy the rewards
of personal achievement, physical fitness, and social interaction.
All contributions to OPAF are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of
U.S. law, and annual sponsorships of OPAF, its programs, and its
fundraisers are available to every individual, institution, and company
inside and beyond the O&P community. For more information about
sponsorship opportunities contact OPAF at 1666 K Street NW, Suite 440,
Washington, DC 20006, Tel. (202) 223-2878, email <Email Address Redacted> , or
visit <URL Redacted>
For complete information about current OPAF programs, please contact our
offices or visit www.opfund.org.
December 15, 2003
Contact: Julie Besaha
(202) 223-2878
Washington, DC - The second annual open house of the Orthotic and
Prosthetic Assistance Fund (OPAF) was a great success.
Guests included OPAF president Don E. Hardin, past president Joel
Kempfer, CP, FAAOP, vice president Michael Burton, and treasurer Jinsook
Han, as well as two of the organizations newest directors Jennifer
Fayter and Jim Lagerstrom and OPAF's. OPAF also welcomed many friends
and representatives from several nonprofit and for-profit organizations
in the greater Washington, DC area. Thanks to everyone, and especially
to members of the OPAF board of directors, for their participation in
this event and for their continued support of OPAF's mission to enable
individuals with physical disabilities - especially those served by
members of the orthotics and prosthetics community - to enjoy the
rewards of personal achievement, physical fitness, and social
OPAF is tremendously grateful to O&P Business News for their generous
sponsorship of this event. Thank you!
A table at the open house displayed literature of the O&P community,
including ABC and NCOPE resources and copies of the Academy's brochure
about O&P careers, which directs individuals to the O&P Careers web
site: www.opcareers.org developed by the Joint Committee on O&P
Thanks also to all raffle and silent auction item donors, whose support
enabled OPAF to raise nearly $650.00 for program development in the new
Austin Grill
Baltimore Orioles
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
Blockbuster Inc.
William Bruno, J.D., of
American Express Financial Advisors
Hart Hotels Inc.
The Melting Pot
Brad Meltzer
St. Gregory Luxury Hotel and
Suites of Washington, DC
Wyndham City Center Hotel
Public thanks are also due to OPAF's DC-area volunteers Allison Kletter
and Debbie Kimmelman for their support of the raffle, silent auction,
and all the day's activities and to OPAF interns Naoya Akabane, Natalie
Kuntz, Hong Tu Vo, who under the able guidance of OPAF Program
Coordinator Julie Besaha, organized the day so successfully. Be sure to
read more about OPAF's fantastic interns in this month's issue of the
O&P Almanac, the award-winning monthly magazine for the orthotics and
prosthetics industry.
OPAF looks forward to its third annual open house and to the continued
success of its direct-service programs in the new year.
OPAF is a 501(c)(3) public charity, the official philanthropy of the
U.S. orthotics and prosthetics community, established in 1995 by the
Orthotic and Prosthetic National Office. Dedicated initially to
providing financial and in-kind support to the 1996 Paralympics, OPAF
now generates its own initiatives through partnerships with individuals,
organizations and institutions engaged in raising public awareness of
disability and improving the quality of rehabilitation medicine, science
and technology.
As a community-focused nonprofit organization, OPAF aims primarily to
enable individuals with physical disabilities-especially those served by
members of the orthotics and prosthetics community-to enjoy the rewards
of personal achievement, physical fitness, and social interaction.
All contributions to OPAF are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of
U.S. law, and annual sponsorships of OPAF, its programs, and its
fundraisers are available to every individual, institution, and company
inside and beyond the O&P community. For more information about
sponsorship opportunities contact OPAF at 1666 K Street NW, Suite 440,
Washington, DC 20006, Tel. (202) 223-2878, email <Email Address Redacted> , or
visit <URL Redacted>
For complete information about current OPAF programs, please contact our
offices or visit www.opfund.org.
OPAF (O&P Assistance Fund), “OPAF 2nd annual open house a success,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 9, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/222196.