AK Stubbies

Gary and Sharon Yackley



AK Stubbies


Gary and Sharon Yackley




I'm interested in the most successful method in finishing AK stubbies. I am familiar with the traditional rocker bottom with a slight posterior extension/outrigger that aids balance. I've also seen SACH feet mounted backwards which provide the same strut to prevent falling backward. In this hypothetical situation the patient has ambulated in check sockets with a bilateral TES suspension belt, the sockets being set in prosthetic foam flexed at 10 degrees at a height of approx. 18. Thank you all for sharing.

                                              Gary Yackley CP

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Gary and Sharon Yackley, “AK Stubbies,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 19, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/221196.