Replies on EDI company @ HIPAA

Stephan Manucharian



Replies on EDI company @ HIPAA


Stephan Manucharian




The original question was in regards to Cortex EDI's refusal to sign Bus. Ass. Agreement. I just started a new thread on with an attemps to find out other opinions.

Most of the replies were similar to the following:

If they do not sign the agreement then you do NOT have an agreement. Without the agreement they can get no information that might Identify the patient. If they will not sign, sever your relationship, it beats going to jail.

One was different. Here it is:

Business Associate agreements are between you and entities that are not Covered Entities as defined by the HIPAA act. This might include vendors that support your computer software or computers, your accountant, or any other Business Associate that is not covered by the HIPAA act that might have access to your protected health information. A EDI firm, by definition, is covered directly by the HIPAA act and is a Covered Entitiy and should not need a business associate agreement. This is my understanding of it.

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Stephan Manucharian, “Replies on EDI company @ HIPAA,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed November 26, 2024,