Looking for a prosthetist/orthotist who'd like to go to Haiti in April, 2003!

Matt Ray



Looking for a prosthetist/orthotist who'd like to go to Haiti in April, 2003!


Matt Ray





I apologize for the urgent tone to this message, but we are sending a medical team to Haiti on April 10th. We have a full team, but one of our Prosthetists just dropped out for personal reasons. We have one other CPO going, but we really need 2 to be effective during our 10 day stay in Haiti. If you or someone you know would be interested, please have them contact me as soon as possible. For more information about Healing Hands for Haiti and me, see the article I wrote for the O & P Edge concerning our trip in March of 2002. You can find it here:

<URL Redacted>

Please keep in mind that this a volunteer effort and we all pay for our own way to Haiti. I'd estimate the costs to be around $1500, but this money could easily be raised through private and corporate donations. Please don't make a decision based on funds. We can work together to make this happen.

I look forward to heaing from some of you. If you can't make it in April, but are interested in other times, we are sending 10 teams this year and probably 15 teams next year.

Best regards,


Matt Ray
Healing Hands for Haiti Foundation, Inc.
4212 Danube Court, Bakersfield CA 93308
<URL Redacted>
<Email Address Redacted>
661.588.4400 - phone
413.740.0772 - efax



Matt Ray, “Looking for a prosthetist/orthotist who'd like to go to Haiti in April, 2003!,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 10, 2025, https://library.drfop.org/items/show/220635.