Re: co-signatures



Re: co-signatures


In a message dated 2/8/2003 10:40:10 AM Central Standard Time,
<Email Address Redacted> writes:

> During an AOPA conference last fall, it was noted that co-signatures were
> required if, for example, a CP fit a patient with an orthosis. An
> Orthotist, therefore, would need to co-sign.

Joan, you bring up an interesting question that maybe those working on the
Negotiated Rulemaking Process can answer.

What would qualify a CP (prosthetist) to be able to fit a fit an orthosis
that would need a co-signature?

Would the CP (prosthetist) need to have had any formal training in orthotics
or could they receive this training OJT from an orthotist? Would training as
a orthotic technician quality them to fit an orthosis with a co-signature?
These same questions apply to a orthotist fitting a prosthesis to an amputee.

Looking forward to hearing from those involved in the qualified provider
process and I will post responses to this list.

Al Pike, CP



“Re: co-signatures,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed March 15, 2025,