ACADEMY NEWS: Invite a student to visit your O&P facility

Tom Gorski, CAE



ACADEMY NEWS: Invite a student to visit your O&P facility


Tom Gorski, CAE





In a couple of weeks Punxsutawney Phil may see his shadow, but we're hoping YOU will see yours on Friday, January 31, as part of Groundhog Job Shadow Day. For those practitioners who have indicated an interest in talking with students about the O&P profession, this is your chance to make a difference!

One of the activities of the Academy's Project Quantum Leap initiative is to raise O&P awareness. What better way to introduce a student to the field of orthotics and prosthetics than to enable them to see what you do firsthand? Job shadowing is designed to give kids an opportunity to shadow an adult during their daily work activities.

Studies confirm that more than 86 percent of students report that participation in Job Shadowing activities positively changes their attitudes about working. 72 percent were highly engaged and informed by the experience.

Job shadowing is a win-win situation for all involved. Each participant gains unique benefits from job shadowing:

For the students:
        · Job shadowing provides answers to Would I want to make this job a career?
        · Provides an up-close look at how skills learned in school are put to use in the workplace.
        · Gives views into all aspects involved in a job. Students can observe the skills and responsibilities required of the O&P profession to see if they have what it takes.

What's in it for YOU?
        · You're helping to prepare the future workforce. There is a growing need for practitioners in the O&P field. You can take an active role in helping to spread the word about the profession.
        · You can demonstrate how you help people regain their independence and make a difference every day through your work.
        · Potential to develop a long-term mentoring relationship.

The job shadowing program kicks-off nationwide on January 31, 2003, with Groundhog Job Shadow Day, but continues throughout the school year. For more information, log on to < <URL Redacted>> or contact the Job Shadow Coalition at <Email Address Redacted> <mailto:<Email Address Redacted>> or by phone at (800) 373-3174.

If you plan on participating, please let us know by contacting Julie Hayes at the Academy (703) 836-0788, ext. 203 or <Email Address Redacted> <mailto:<Email Address Redacted>> . We can provide you with copies of our new O&P career brochure to share with your shadow.

Tom Gorski, CAE
Executive Director
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists



Tom Gorski, CAE, “ACADEMY NEWS: Invite a student to visit your O&P facility,” Digital Resource Foundation for Orthotics and Prosthetics, accessed May 19, 2024,